
The Art and Science of Personality Development – Dan P. McAdams –

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英文版本:《The Art and Science of Personality Development》PDF 电子书

封面 Cover

The Art and Science of Personality Development

The Art and Science of Personality Development

简介 Intro

《The Art and Science of Personality Development》—— Dan P. McAdams

Drawing on state-of-the-art personality and developmental research, this book presents a new and broadly integrative theory of how people come to be who they are over the life course. Preeminent researcher Dan P. McAdams traces the development of three distinct layers of personality—the social actor who expresses emotional and behavioral traits, the motivated agent who pursues goals and values, and the autobiographical author who constructs a personal story for life. Highly readable and accessible to scholars and students at all levels, the book uses rich portraits of the lives of famous people to illustrate theoretical concepts and empirical findings.


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读者评论  Readers’ Comments

我觉得这是最好的心理学科普读物之一,包括了人格心理学、发展心理学,涉及一些神经生物基础,都很通俗,没有大片大片扯古早的经典理论。autonomy, competence, intimacy,这三个人生的追求我深以为然。书中案例用的是希拉里和布什,反观

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