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莱特曼博士在这本书中写道,在我的老师巴鲁克•阿斯拉格(拉巴什)使用的所有文献和笔记中,他总是带一个特殊的笔记本。这个笔记本里记录了他和他父亲之间的一些对话,他的父亲就是20世纪最伟大的卡巴拉学家耶胡达•阿斯拉格(巴拉苏拉姆),即对《光辉之书》的《苏拉姆(阶梯)的注释》、《对10个Sefirot的研究》The Study of the Ten Sefirot(对卡巴拉学家阿里(ARI)的着作的注释)和许多其他卡巴拉着作的作者。 在1991年9月的犹太人除夕,拉巴什感觉到不舒服,他把我叫到他的床边,递给这个他一直携带在身边的笔记本,这个笔记本的封面只有一个单词,Shamati(即“我听说”的意思)。当他把这个笔记本递给我的时候,他说道,“拿去吧,好好学习它。”第二天,我的老师就在我的怀里仙逝了。从此,我和他的众多弟子在这个世界上便失去了他的指引。  为了实现拉巴什的遗言——传播卡巴拉智慧,莱特曼博士按其原样出版了这个笔记本,保留了这个笔记本的神奇的力量。在所有卡巴拉书籍中,《我听说的》是一本最独特和最富有吸引力的着作。






Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam)


1. There Is None Else Besides Him ……………………………………………152. Divinity in Exile …………………………………………………………………..203. The Matter of Spiritual Attainment ………………………………………. 214. What Is the Reason for the Heaviness One Feelswhen Annulling before the Creator in the Work? ……………………265. Lishma Is an Awakening from Above, and WhyDo We Need an Awakening from Below? ……………………………….286. What Is Support in the Torah, in the Work ……………………………337. What Is the Habit Becomes a Second Nature, in the Work ………388. What Is the Difference between a Shade of Kesrcshaand a Shade of Sitra Achra ……………………………………………………399. What Are Three Things that Broaden One’s Mind in the Work ….4210. What Is Make Haste My Beloved, in the Work ………………………4311. Joy WIth a Quiver ………………………………………………………………4412. The Essence of One’s Work ………………………………………………..4413. A Pomegranate …………………………………………………………………..4514. What Is the Greatness of the Creator? ………………………………….4615. What Is Other Gods in the Work ……………………………………….. 4716. What Is the Day of the Lord andthe Night of the Lord in the Work ……………………………………….5017. What Does It Mean that the Sitra AchraIs Called “Malchut without a Crown” …………………………………..5518. What Is, My Soul shall Weep in Secret in the Work ………………5819. What Is, the Creator Hates the Bodies, in the Work ………………5920. Lishma (For Her Name) ……………………………………………………..7221. When One Feels Oneself in a State of Ascent ………………………. 7422. Torah Lishma (for Her Name) …………………………………………….. 7623. You that Love the Lord, Hate Evil ……………………………………….. 7724. Out of the Hand of the Wicked …………………………………………..7925. Things that Come from the Heart ……………………………………….8026. One’s Future Depends and Is Tied to Gratitude for the Past …….8227. What Is “The Lord Is High and the Low Will See” ………………..8328. I shall Not Die but Live ………………………………………………………8429. When Thoughts Come to a Person ………………………………………8530. The Most Important Is to Want Only to Bestow ……………………8531. All that Pleases the Spirit of the People …………………………………8632. A Lot Is an Awakening from Above ……………………………………..8733. The Lots on Yom Kippurim and with Haman ……………………….8834. The Profit of a Land …………………………………………………………..9835. Concerning the Vitality of Kesrcsha …………………………………..10536. What Are the Three Bodies in a Man ………………………………… 11037. An Article for Purim ………………………………………………………… 11238. The Fear of God Is His Treasure ………………………………………..12339. And they Sewed Fig-Leaves ……………………………………………….. 12740. Faith in the Rav, What is the Measure ………………………………..12941. What Is Greatness and Smallness in Faith …………………………..13242. What Is the Acronym ELUL in the Work……………………………13343. The Matter of Truth and Faith ………………………………………….. 14144. Mind and Heart ………………………………………………………………. 14345. Two Discernments in the Torah and in the Work ……………….. 14346. The Domination of Israel over the Klipot ………………………….. 14547. In the Place where You Find His Greatness ………………………… 14648. The Primary Basis ……………………………………………………………. 14749. The Most Important Is the Mindand the Heart ………………….. 14850. Two States ………………………………………………………………………. 14951. If You Encounter This Villain ……………………………………………15252. A Transgression Does Not Put Out a Mitzva ……………………….15253. The Matter of Limitation ………………………………………………….15654. The Purpose of the Work …………………………………………………. 15755. Haman from the Torah, from Where …………………………………15956. Torah Is Called Indication ……………………………………………….. 16057. Will Bring Him as a Burned Offering to His Will ……………….. 16358. Joy Is a “Reflection” of Good Deeds ………………………………….. 16559. About the Rod and the Serpent ………………………………………… 16660. A Mitzva that Comes through Transgression ………………………. 17161. Round About Him It Stormeth Mightily ……………………………. 17262. Descends and Incites, Ascends and Complains …………………….17463. I was Borrowed on, and I Repay ………………………………………… 17564. From Lo Lishma to Lishma ………………………………………………. 17665. About the Revealed and the Concealed ……………………………… 17866. The Giving of the Torah …………………………………………………… 18067. Depart from Evil ……………………………………………………………… 18268. Man’s Connection to the Sefirot ………………………………………. 18569. First Will Be the Correction of the World ………………………….. 18870. With a Mighty Hand and with Fury Poured Out ………………… 18971. My Soul Shall Weep in Secret ……………………………………………. 19172. Confidence Is the Clothing for the Light ……………………………19273. After the Tzimtzum ………………………………………………………….19374. World, Year, Soul ……………………………………………………………..19575. There Is a Discernment of the Next World,and There Is a Discernment of This World …………………………19576. With All Thy Offerings Thou ShaltOffer Salt ……………………..19677. One Learns from One’s Soul …………………………………………….. 19778. The Torah, the Creator,and Israel Are One ………………………… 19779. Atzilut and BYA ……………………………………………………………….19880. Concerning Back to Back ………………………………………………….19981. Concerning Raising MAN …………………………………………………19982. The Prayer One Should Always Pray ………………………………….. 20183. Concerning the Right Vav, the Left Vav …………………………….. 20184. What Is “So He Drove the Man Outof the Gardenof Eden Lest He Would Take of the Tree of Life”…………………20485. What Is the Fruit of Goodly Trees, in the Work ………………….20586. And They Built Store-Cities ………………………………………………20787. Shabbat Shekalim ……………………………………………………………. 21688. All the Work Is Only Where There Are Two Ways ………………22089. To Understand the Words of the Holy Zohar ………………………22090. In The Zohar, Beresheet …………………………………………………… 22191. Concerning the Replaceable ……………………………………………… 22192. Explaining the Discernment of “Luck” ……………………………….22293. Concerning Fins and Scales ………………………………………………22394. And You Shall Keep Your Souls …………………………………………22495. Concerning Removing the Foreskin …………………………………..22596. What Is Waste of Barn and Winery, in the Work ………………..22697. Waste of Barn and Winery ………………………………………………..23098. Spirituality Is Called That Which Will Never Be Lost ………….23299. He Did Not Say Wicked or Righteous ………………………………..233100. The Written Torah and the Oral Torah …………………………….240101. A Commentary on the Psalm,“For the Leader Upon Roses”…………………………………………….240102. And You Shall Take You the Fruit of Goodly Trees …………….242103. Whose Heart Maketh Him Willing…………………………………..244104. And the Saboteur Was Sitting ………………………………………….245105. A Wise Disciple Bastard Precedes a High Priest Commoner …246106. What Do the Twelve Challahs on Shabbat Imply……………….249107. Concerning the Two Angels …………………………………………….250108. If You Leave Me One Day, I Will Leave You Two ………………. 251109. Two Kinds of Meat …………………………………………………………255110. A Field which the Lord Has Blessed ………………………………….257111. Breath, Sound, and Speech ………………………………………………259112. The Three Angels ……………………………………………………………260113. The Eighteen Prayer ………………………………………………………..269114. Prayer …………………………………………………………………………….272115. Still, Vegetative, Animate, and Speaking ……………………………272116. Why Did He Say that Mitzvot Do Not Require Intention …… 274117. You Labored and Did Not Find, Do Not Believe ……………….. 274118. To Understand the Matter of the Knees which Have Bowed unto Baal ………………………………………….. 276119. That Disciple who Learned in Secret ……………………………….. 277120. The Reason for Not Eating Nuts on Rosh Hashanah ………….278121. She Is Like Merchant-Ships ………………………………………………279122. Understanding What Is Written in Shulchan Aruch …………. 281123. His Divorce and His Hand Come as One ………………………….282124. A Shabbat of Genesis and of the Six Thousand Years …………283125. Who Delights the Shabbat ………………………………………………284126. A Sage Comes to Town ……………………………………………………286127. The Difference between Kernel, Essence, and Added Abundance ……………………………………………………288128. Dew Drips from That Galgalta to Zeir Anpin …………………….290129. Divinity in the Dust ………………………………………………………..292130. Tiberias of Our Sages, Good Is Thy Sight ………………………….293131. Who Comes to Be Purified ………………………………………………293132. In the Sweat of Thy Face Shalt Thou Eat Bread …………………294133. The Lights of Shabbat……………………………………………………..294134. Intoxicating Wine …………………………………………………………..294135. Clean and Righteous Slay Thou Not ………………………………..295136. The Difference between the First Letters and the Last Letters ..295137. Zelophehad Was Gathering Wood ……………………………………296138. About Fear that Sometimes Comes upon a Person …………….297139. The Difference between the Six Days of Action and the Shabbat ……………………………………………………………..297140. How I Love Thy Law ……………………………………………………….298141. The Holiday of Passover …………………………………………………..298142. The Essence of the War …………………………………………………..299143. Only Good to Israel ………………………………………………………..299144. There Is a Certain People ………………………………………………..300145. What Is Will Give Wisdom Specifically to the Wise ………….. 301146. A Commentary on The Zohar ………………………………………….303147. The Work of Reception and Bestowal ……………………………….303148. The Scrutiny of Bitter and Sweet, True and False ……………….304149. Why We Need to Extend Hochma ……………………………………304150. Prune unto the Lord, for He Hath Done Pride ………………….305151. And Israel Saw the Egyptians ……………………………………………306152. For a Bribe Doth Blind the Eyes of the Wise …………………….307153. A Thought Is an Upshot of the Desire………………………………308154. There Cannot Be an Empty Space in the World ………………..309155. The Cleanness of the Body………………………………………………309156. Lest He Take of the Tree of Life ………………………………………. 310157. I Am Asleep But My Heart Is Awake ………………………………… 311158. The Reason for Not Eating at Each Other’s Home on Passover …………………………………… 313159. And It Came To Pass in the Course of Those Many Days…… 314160. The Reason for Concealing the Matzot …………………………….. 315161. The Matter of the Giving of the Torah ……………………………… 315162. Concerning the Hazak We Say After Completing the Series ……………………………………………..317163. What the Authors of The Zohar Said ………………………………. 318164. There Is a Difference between Corporealityand Spirituality………………………………………………………………. 319165. An Explanation to Elisha’s Request of Elijah ……………………. 319166. Two Discernments in Attainment …………………………………….320167. The Reason Why It Is Called Shabbat Teshuvah ……………….. 321168. The Customs of Israel ……………………………………………………..322169. Concerning a Complete Righteous …………………………………..322170. Thou Shalt Not Have in Thy Pocket a Large Stone ……………..323171. Zohar, Amor …………………………………………………………………..324172. The Matter of Preventions and Delays ………………………………326173. Why Do We Say L’Chaim ………………………………………………..327174. Concealment ………………………………………………………………….328175. And If the Way Be Too Long for Thee ………………………………329176. When Drinking Brandy After the Havdala………………………. 331177. Atonements …………………………………………………………………… 331178. Three Partners in Man …………………………………………………….332179. Three Lines ……………………………………………………………………332180. In The Zohar, Amor ……………………………………………………….335181. Honor ……………………………………………………………………………336182. Moses and Solomon ………………………………………………………. 337183. The Discernment of the Messiah …………………………………….. 337184. The Difference between Faith and Mind ………………………….. 337185. The Unesrccated, the Fear of Shabbat Is upon Him …………..338186. Make Your Shabbat a Weekday, and Do Not Need People ….339187. Choosing Labor ………………………………………………………………339188. All the Work Is Only Where there Are Two Ways ………………340189. The Act Affects the Thought ……………………………………………340190. Every Act Leaves an Imprint ……………………………………………. 341191. The Time of Descent ………………………………………………………344192. The Lots ………………………………………………………………………..345193. One Wall Serves Both…………………………………………………….. 347194. The Complete Seven ……………………………………………………….348195. Rewarded—I Will Hasten It ……………………………………………..350196. A Grip for the Externals …………………………………………………. 351197. Book, Author, Story ………………………………………………………..352198. Freedom ………………………………………………………………………..352199. To Every Man of Israel …………………………………………………….353200. The Purification of the Masach ………………………………………..353201. Spirituality and Corporeality ……………………………………………354202. In the Sweat of Thy Face Shalt Thou Eat Bread …………………355203. Man’s Pride shall Bring Him Low …………………………………….355204. The Purpose of the Work ………………………………………………..356205. Wisdom Crieth Aloud in the Streets ………………………………..357206. Faith and Pleasure ………………………………………………………….358207. Receiving In Order to Bestow …………………………………………..359208. Labor …………………………………………………………………………….360209. Three Conditions in Prayer ……………………………………………..360210. A Handsome Flaw in You ……………………………………………….. 361211. As Though Standing before a King ……………………………………362212. Embrace of the Right, Embrace of the Left ………………………..363213. Acknowledging the Desire ……………………………………………….363214. Known in the Gates ………………………………………………………..365215. Faith ……………………………………………………………………………..367216. Right and Left ………………………………………………………………..368217. If I Am Not for Me, Who Is for Me …………………………………..368218. The Torah and the Creator Are One …………………………………369219. Devotion ……………………………………………………………………….. 370220. Suffering ………………………………………………………………………. 371221. Multiple Authorities ………………………………………………………. 371222. The Part Given to the Sitra Achrato separate It from the Kesrcsha ……………………………………… 372223. Clothing, Bag, Lie, Almond ……………………………………………. 373224. Yesod de Nukva and Yesod de Dechura ……………………………. 374225. Raising Oneself ……………………………………………………………… 375226. Written Torah and Oral Torah ……………………………………….. 375227. The Reward for a Mitzva—a Mitzva …………………………………… 375228. Fish Before Meat ……………………………………………………………. 376229. Haman Pockets ……………………………………………………………… 377230. The Lord Is High and the Low Will See …………………………… 378231. The Purity of the Vessels of Reception ……………………………… 378232. Completing the Labor ……………………………………………………. 379233. Pardon, Forgiveness, and Atonement ……………………………….380234. Who Ceases Words of Torahand Engages in Conversation …………………………………………..382235. Looking in the Book Again ……………………………………………..383236. Mine Adversaries Taunt Me All the Day ……………………………383237. For Man Shall Not See Me and Live …………………………………384238. Happy Is the Man who Does Not Forget Theeand the Son of Man who Exerts in Thee …………………………..384239. The Difference between Mochin of Shavuot and that of Shabbat Minchah …………………………………………..385240. Inquire Your Inquirers when They Inquire Your Face …………386241. Call Upon Him while He Is Near ……………………………………..388242. What Is the Matter of Delighting the Pooron a Good Day, in the Work ……………………………………………390243. Examining the Shade on the Night of Hoshana Rabbah ….. 391APPENDIXONE: FURTHERREADING…………………………………………….393APPENDIXTWO: ABOUTBNEIBARUCH………………………………………… 401 游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请《卡巴拉教科书:我听说的(Shamati)》《卡巴拉教科书:我听说的(Shamati)》回复补充内容 (2015-9-9 00:39):《Shamati》其中一篇中文翻译《除了他什么也没有(there is none else besides Him)》:《卡巴拉教科书:我听说的(Shamati)》《卡巴拉教科书:我听说的(Shamati)》http://www.imslr.com/thread-32997-1-1.html

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摘要:《卡巴拉教科书:我听说的(Shamati)》 是一本关于卡巴拉教的教科书,本文将从四个方面对该书进行详细阐述。首先,介绍卡巴拉教科书的背景和概述。其次,探讨卡巴拉教科书中的主要思想和教义。然后,分析卡巴拉教科书对个人和社会的意义。最后,总结归纳卡巴拉教科书的核心观点。通过对这本教科书的深入剖析,我们可以更好地理解卡巴拉教的精神内涵和哲学思想。






















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