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Many objects once thought of as having magical powers feature texts written in runes, providing sources that today shed light on the lives and experiences of the northern European peoples the ancient Romans first called Germans. These pre-Christian Germanic or Teutonic folk were not just early Germans or Scandinavians, though; they are the ancestors of several modern nations in Europe and beyond- from England and Holland to Austria and Germany and up to the Nordic countries, from North America to Australasia as well – and also include tribes who once ruled over other peoples such as the Franks, Lombards, Burgundians and Goths. The runic texts surveyed in this book are often previously misunderstood keys to comprehending the religious, cultural and social world of the early Germanic peoples prior to and srcring their conver-sions to Christianity, and the cultural and intellectual Latinising that followed the adoption of both the writing system and the official religion of the late Roman Empire. The study and interpretation of old Germanic inscriptions, though, can be a strange business. In fact it has been suggested that the first law of runic studies is that ‘for every inscription there shall be as many interpretations as there are runologists studying it’. This may seem a bit too clever or even a little bewil-dering. But a lot of what passes for expert runic interpretation has too readily strayed into the fantastic in the past, and never more so than in considerations of vthe runic legends that appear on amulets and other similar items. This is at leastpart of the reason why no major contributions to the topic of this study have appeared before and why the subject of runic amulets has been treated so poorly when it has been assessed at all… |
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Mindy Macleod and Bernard Mees |
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摘要:《Runic Amulets and Magic Objects-Mindy Macleod and Bernard Mees》是一本关于符文护身符和魔法物品的着作。本书详细介绍了符文的历史、用途和制作方法,并通过丰富的实例展示了它们在古代北欧文化中的重要性和影响力。本文将从四个方面对《Runic Amulets and Magic Objects-Mindy Macleod and Bernard Mees》进行详细阐述。
《Runic Amulets and Magic Objects-Mindy Macleod and Bernard Mees》通过深入研究符文的起源、用途、制作方法和文化影响力,展示了符文在古代北欧文化中的重要性和影响力。本书不仅为读者提供了对符文的深入了解,也对北欧文化和古代文明的研究有所贡献。