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PREFACE TO THE NEW EDITION By M. MACGREGOR MATHERS As a pupil of my late husband and in later years collaborator in his more esoteric studies, I take this opportunity to say a few words in regard to himself and his work. Moreover, since his death at the end of 1918, I have received innumerable visits, letters and enquiries from all parts of the world from students of his writings. As most of these questions would appear to bear on his more esoteric knowledge, I will quote his own words (see page 13, paragraph 22, of the Introsrcction): "The term ‘Unwritten Qabalah’ is applied to certain knowledge which is never entrusted to writing, but communicated orally. I may say no more on this point, nor even whether I myself have or have not received it." Simultaneously with the publication of the Qabalah in 1887, he received instructions from his occult teachers to prepare what was eventually to become his esoteric school. In this connection were associated with him the late Dr. Woodman and the late Dr. Wynn−Westcott, both eminent Masons and Qabalists. They, with my husband, held high Office in the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia, and other Masonic bodies. Since the year 1887, when the first edition of the Qabalah Unveiled appeared, the whole attitude of the thinking world has changed considerably towards occult philosophy and science. The gigantic strides madeby science since the end of the last century, the staggering facts disclosed by its practical demonstrations, simultaneously with the development of the great occult movement, must strike all thoughtful people as the evidence of some imminent change in the evolution of this planet. Material science would appear to be spiritualizing itself and occult science to be materializing itself. If not clasping hands, they are certainly making tentative attempts in that direction. The Ancient Wisdom, the Sacred Books, taught. that we cannot understand Matter without understanding Spirit, that we cannot understand Spirit without understanding Matter. That Matter and Spirit are only opposite poles of the same universal substance. All through the Qabalah runs this axiom: "that Malkuth is in Kether, that Kether is in Malkuth." The same idea is repeated through the Gnostic teaching: "the earth that is in the heaven, the heaven that is in the earth." ……文件密码: www.zhiyinshe.com下载地址回复可见:游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请 回复 | 有需要联系v;hx-hx4
摘要:《THE KABBALAH UNVEILED》是一本深入解析犹太神秘学卡巴拉的书籍。本文将从卡巴拉的起源、基本概念、神秘符号和实践方法四个方面详细阐述这本书的内容。
卡巴拉的传统主要通过口头传承和写经传播,但《THE KABBALAH UNVEILED》这本书的出版使得更多的人可以了解到卡巴拉的奥秘和智慧。
卡巴拉还涉及到一些重要的概念,如“光”、“容器”、“堕落”等,这些概念在卡巴拉的教义中有着深刻的含义。《THE KABBALAH UNVEILED》对这些基本概念进行了详细的解释和阐述。
《THE KABBALAH UNVEILED》详细介绍了这些符号的含义和用法,帮助读者更好地理解卡巴拉的象征意义和实践方法。
《THE KABBALAH UNVEILED》对这些实践方法进行了详细的介绍和解释,帮助读者理解卡巴拉的实践方式,并指导读者如何进行相关的冥想和仪式。
《THE KABBALAH UNVEILED》通过详细解析卡巴拉的起源、基本概念、神秘符号和实践方法,帮助读者深入了解犹太神秘学卡巴拉的奥秘和智慧。读者可以通过这本书了解卡巴拉的起源和发展,掌握卡巴拉的基本概念,理解卡巴拉的神秘符号,并学习卡巴拉的实践方法。阅读《THE KABBALAH UNVEILED》,你将进入一个神秘而又充满智慧的世界。