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猫咪塔罗的GuidebookThe Cat Tarot is a charming new deck from Meagan Lynn Kott. I hesitate to call it cute (although it really is) because ‘cute’ tends to trivialise its subject matter, and this really is a well-conceived and executed deck. Yes, there are several cat tarot decks on the market, but each and every one is unique and this deck is no exception. Rather than dressing cats up as historical personages or anthropomorphising them and making them perform human deeds Megan Lynn Kott has based this deck on astutely observed cat behaviours that will be familiar to all cat enthusiasts. It looks at the world in the way we imagine cats would perceive life. Just a few examples – The Hermit hides inside a paper bag, Death is portrayed as a vacuum cleaner (foreboding but not fatal), and The Devil is a drooling dog. It is also based on the Waite-Smith deck, and finds clever and unusual ways to present the concepts behind the WST in a feline fashion.This is a fully illustrated 78 card deck, with 22 Major Arcana cards and 56 Minor Arcana cards. The Major Arcana has the 22 familiar titles and ordering of a standard RWS deck. The Minor Arcana is divided into four suits of 14 cards each. The suits are Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles; each containing 10 number cards, and 4 Court cards – Page, Knight, Queen, and King. Wands are represented by cat toys, Cups by food and water bowls, Swords by the cats’ very own fangs and claws, and Pentacles by cat biscuits and food treats. |
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Julia Smillie |
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摘要:《Cat Tarot GUIDEBOOK》猫咪塔罗guidebook是一本关于猫咪塔罗卡片的指南书。本文将从四个方面对这本guidebook进行详细阐述,包括其特点、内容组织、读者群体和使用方法。通过本文的介绍,读者能够全面了解这本guidebook的价值和实用性。
《Cat Tarot GUIDEBOOK》猫咪塔罗guidebook有着独特的特点,首先是以猫咪为主题,猫咪作为塔罗卡牌的形象,吸引了众多猫爱好者。其次,guidebook采用了简洁明了的文字和配图,方便读者理解和使用。最后,guidebook注重与读者的互动,提供了丰富的练习题和案例分析,帮助读者更好地掌握塔罗卡牌的解读技巧。
《Cat Tarot GUIDEBOOK》猫咪塔罗guidebook的内容组织清晰,分为几个部分。首先是对塔罗卡牌的简介和基础知识的介绍,包括每张卡牌的含义、象征意义和解读方法等。其次是针对不同问题和情境的卡牌布局和解读示例,帮助读者通过卡牌的组合来解答问题。最后是对猫咪塔罗卡牌的特殊解读和技巧的介绍,使读者能够更好地理解和运用这套独特的卡牌。
《Cat Tarot GUIDEBOOK》猫咪塔罗guidebook适合各个层次的读者群体。对于初学者来说,guidebook提供了基础知识和解读方法,帮助他们快速入门和理解塔罗卡牌的世界。对于有一定经验的读者来说,guidebook提供了更深入的技巧和案例分析,帮助他们提升解读的准确性和精确度。对于猫爱好者来说,guidebook的猫咪主题和可爱的插图也是吸引力之一。
《Cat Tarot GUIDEBOOK》猫咪塔罗guidebook的使用方法简单易懂。首先,读者可以根据自己的需求和兴趣选择不同的章节进行阅读,可以按照顺序一步步学习,也可以根据具体问题进行查找和阅读。其次,读者可以通过练习题和案例分析来进行实践和巩固,提升自己的解读技巧。最后,读者可以将guidebook作为参考书,随时查阅和使用,帮助自己解答问题和获取灵感。
《Cat Tarot GUIDEBOOK》猫咪塔罗guidebook以独特的猫咪主题和简洁明了的内容组织吸引了众多读者群体。无论是初学者还是有经验的读者,都能从该guidebook中获取到有价值的知识和技巧。通过阅读和实践,读者能够更好地理解和运用塔罗卡牌,解答问题和获取灵感。