如何自学 占星术 占星教程网盘 塔罗牌教程百度网盘
by Christine Payne-Towler In the essay titled "The Major Arcana" I emphasize that "something happened" to the Tarot in the late 1600s, when a new trend emerged in the images of the Major Arcana. I point to the Marseilles family of decks and the Etteilla Tarots to illustrate my point. The images shown by Antoine Court de Gebelin in his book Le Monde Primitif further validates this idea. The remainder of this essay is about exploring "what happened." Let’s review the situation of Tarot in the first half of the 1600s. Since the early 1400s, both handmade and woodblock Tarots showed a remarkable constancy of internal structure even though some packs were either edited or expanded to meet the needs of the various games for which they were created. Tarot appeared in 72-card form in Italy around 1450, although this model may represents "splice" between preexisting symbol sets: the twenty-two Hebrew alphabet-keyed set called the Major Arcana, and the Turkish Mamluk cards of unknown provenance, a 15th century version of which can be seen in Volume 2 of Stuart Kaplan’s Encyclopedia of Tarot (see essay on the Minor Arcana). Kaplan also explains that the numerical order the Arcana appear in now is carried over from the French pack by Catelin Geofroy, published in 1557 (Vol. 1, p. 65). Some earlier fragmentary Tarots show Roman numerals on some of their Major Arcana, but not all of them, and not in the order we are now familiar with. Those very old woodblock decks tend instead to follow the list enumerated in a sermon written by an Italian friar in the late 15th century (see illustration opposite page 1 in Volume 1 of Kaplan’s Ency-clopedia of Tarot). There is also another order derived from the Charles VI pack that keeps Temperence, Fortitude and Justice together in a group. A very small minority of Tarots follow this order, including Etteilla’s Tarots. Many of the earliest decks did not show either Roman or Arabic numerals, titles or astrology sigils. Some of the images do, however, utilize traditional scenes and characters from the signs of the zodiac, the personae of the planets and other traditional mythic themes familiar to the culture of the times. A look at these oldest packs reveals images from the persecuted Cathar movement as well as Hebrew, Greek and Gypsy occult symbolism. The vehemence with which the Church at-tacked the cards and their makers only reinforces the evidence that Tarot was the repository of heretical wisdom pre-served in imagery. Close study of the excellent book called Tarot Sym-bolism by Robert O’Neil exposes the falsity of the belief that there were no esoteric associations with Tarot imagery before Eliphas Levi.
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摘要:《THE CONTINENTAL TAROTS》是一套以大陆为主题的塔罗牌,通过丰富的图案和独特的解读方式,展示了大陆的文化和哲学思想。本文将从四个方面对《THE CONTINENTAL TAROTS》进行详细阐述。
塔罗牌是一种古老的占卜工具,起源于意大利文艺复兴时期。《THE CONTINENTAL TAROTS》的创作灵感来源于大陆的文化和历史,融合了各种不同的元素,展现了大陆的多样性和丰富性。创作者通过绘制精美的图案,将大陆的景色、建筑、人物等元素融入到塔罗牌中,使其具有独特的艺术价值。
此外,《THE CONTINENTAL TAROTS》还融入了大陆的神话传说和民间故事,使塔罗牌更具神秘和吸引力。
《THE CONTINENTAL TAROTS》的牌面设计独特,每张牌都有详细的解读说明,使使用者更容易理解牌面的含义。通过抽取牌面,人们可以获得对大陆文化和哲学思想的更深入的认识。同时,塔罗牌还可以帮助人们发现自己内心的需求和潜能,提供心理疏导和启示。
此外,塔罗牌还可以促进不同文化之间的交流和对话。作为一种国际通用的占卜工具,塔罗牌在全球范围内被广泛使用。通过解读《THE CONTINENTAL TAROTS》,人们可以了解大陆文化的独特之处,增进对大陆的认识和理解。
此外,塔罗牌的设计和创作也可以更加多样化和个性化。《THE CONTINENTAL TAROTS》的成功为其他地区和文化创作塔罗牌提供了借鉴和启示。未来,我们可以期待更多以不同文化为主题的塔罗牌的出现,让人们通过塔罗牌更好地了解世界各地的文化和哲学思想。
《THE CONTINENTAL TAROTS》是一套以大陆为主题的塔罗牌,通过丰富的图案和独特的解读方式,展示了大陆的文化和哲学思想。它不仅仅是一种占卜工具,更是一本“大陆文化的百科全书”。未来,塔罗牌有着广阔的发展前景,可以融入科技,创造更多的使用方式和用户体验。