如何自学 占星术 占星教程网盘 塔罗牌教程百度网盘
Unlock the Symbols, Meanings & Magic of the CardsDiscover the esoteric roots underlying the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot, the Thoth Tarot, and contemporary decks that share their symbols. This illustrated, card-by-card analysis reveals detailed insights drawn from the multi-layered traditions of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the magical order that most strongly influenced modern tarot, helping you give better readings informed by the history of spiritual practice.For each card, you will discover how astrology, mythology, alchemy, the elements, and Qabalah contribute to the card\’s overall meaning. Authors T. Susan Chang and M. M. Meleen, co-hosts of the popular Fortune\’s Wheelhouse podcast, decipher the symbols and stories of tarot. Their carefully researched synthesis of esoteric ideas is designed to foster a deeper connection with the wisdom of the cards.发现深奥的根源下的莱德·伟特塔罗牌,透特塔罗牌,和现代塔罗共享的符号。根据每张牌的分析揭示了从多层次的黄金黎明协会传统中得出的详细见解,这种神奇的秩序对现代塔罗牌的影响最大,帮助你更好地阅读灵性修行的历史。对于每一张牌,你会发现占星术,神话,炼金术,元素,和卡巴拉如何贡献给塔罗牌的整体意义。着名的 Fortune\’s Wheelhouse 播客的共同主持人T. Susan Chang和 M. M. Meleen破译了塔罗牌的符号和故事。她们精心研究的深奥思想的综合体旨在促进与智慧的塔罗牌有更深层次的联系。 |
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T. Susan Chang & M. M. Meleen |
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两位作者都是神秘学爱好者和研究者,并且有一个和塔罗牌&其他神秘学只是相关的播客Fortune’s Wheelhouse。其中Meleen 是Tabula Mundi Tarot,The Rosetta Tarot,The Pharos Tarot 的作者。这本书个人曾简单读过,比较推荐给初级进阶的同好,萌新不推荐作为入门。从本书出现的塔罗牌列表中更可以看到,两位作者是特意找了一些牌作为范本来分享他们的内容。即发现占星、神话、炼金术、元素和卡巴拉如何给塔罗牌赋予整体意义。并且可以作为学习参考运用到更多的当代塔罗牌中作为设计参考或学习解读。游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请 回复 |