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中文名称:心理学入门精要英文名称:Essentials of Understanding Psychology版本:7e(PDF)发行时间:2006年11月13日地区:美国语言:英语简介:书目信息:·书名:Essentials of Understanding Psychology·作者:Robert S. Feldman·出版社:McGraw-Hill·ISBN: 0-390-81866-6·版次:7·出版日期:2006年11月·页数:688内容介绍: 此书是一本英文原版普通心理学课程教材,黄希庭教授在此书第六版的人民邮电出版社影印版《序》中推荐理由如下: 本书具有以下一些特点: 第一,内容全面而且具有近时性。该书不仅涵盖了心理学的基本概念、基本原理和基本理论,而且还包含应用研究的内容。从引用的文献来看,在这本教材中引用自2000年以来的参考文献就有近一千条。 第二,结构新颖且有助于学生自主学习。作者根据自己的教学经验富有创意地在课文中设计了一系列提示性短文或专栏,如开场白、预习、关键概念、及时互动、21世纪应用心理学、探索多元化、成为明智的心理学用户、回忆/评价/反思、浏览专业词汇表、回顾与结束语等,渗透着作者提出的P.O.W.E.R(即预习Prepare,组织Organize,实践Work,评价Evaluate,反思Rethink)学习模式。 第三,语言简练,清新自然,生动形象且富有激情。全书基本没有生僻、拗口的语句;对事实和现象的描述多采用比较客观的陈述句和被动结构等,<敏感词>内容大多采用与读者对话的口吻,很自然的;大量采用图片、图表甚至视频资料等配合文本,使许多看似深奥的道理跃然纸上;各种及时互动以及突显的与日常生活密切相关的问题促人思考,有关表述富有激情。 基于上述,我乐意向读者推荐这本导论性的心理学教材。书籍目录:Preface Using Essentials of Understanding Psychology1: Introsrcction to Psychology Mosrcle 1: Psychologists at Work Mosrcle 2: A Science that Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future Mosrcle 3: Research in Psychology Mosrcle 4: Research Challenges: Exploring the Process Mastering the Experimental Method: The Difference between Dependent and Independent Variables 2: Neuroscience and Behavior Mosrcle 5: Neurons: The Basic Elements of Behavior Mosrcle 6: The Nervous System and the Endocrine System: Communicating Within the Body Mosrcle 7: The Brain Mastering the Action Potential 3: Sensation and Perception Mosrcle 8: Sensing the World Around Us Mosrcle 9: Vision: Shedding Light on the Eye Mosrcle 10: Hearing and Other Senses Mosrcle 11: Perceptual Organization: Constructing our View of the World Mastering the Difference between Sensation and Perception 4: States of Consciousness Mosrcle 12: Sleep and Dreams Mosrcle 13: Hypnosis and Meditation Mosrcle 14: Drug Use: The Highs and Lows of Consciousness 5: Learning Mosrcle 15: Classical Conditioning Mosrcle 16: Operant Conditioning Mosrcle 17: Cognitive-Social Approaches to Learning Mastering the Distinction between Reinforcement and Punishment 6: Memory Mosrcle 18: The Foundations of Memory Mosrcle 19: Recalling Long-Term Memories Mosrcle 20: Forgetting: When Memory Fails 7: Thinking, Language, and Intelligence Mosrcle 21: Thinking Mosrcle 22: Language Mosrcle 23: Intelligence 8: Motivation and Emotion Mosrcle 24: Explaining Motivation Mosrcle 25: Human Needs and Motivation: Eat, Drink, and Be Daring Mosrcle 26: Understanding Emotional Experiences 9: Development Mosrcle 27: Nature, Nurture, and Prenatal Development Mosrcle 28: Infancy and Childhood Mosrcle 29: Adolescence: Becoming an Asrclt Mosrcle 30: Asrclthood 10: Personality Mosrcle 31: Psychodynamic Approaches to Personality Mosrcle 32: Trait, Learning, Biological, Evolutionary, and Humanistic Approaches to Personality Mosrcle 33: Assessing Personality: Determining What Makes Us Distinctive 11: Health Psychology: Stress, Coping, and Well-Being Mosrcle 34: Stress and Coping Mosrcle 35: Psychological Aspects of Illness and Well-Being Mosrcle 36: Promoting Health and Wellness 12: Psychological Disorders Mosrcle 37: Normal versus Abnormal: Making the Distinction Mosrcle 38: The Major Psychological Disorders Mosrcle 39: Psychological Disorders in Perspective 13: Treatment of Psychological Disorders Mosrcle 40: Psychotherapy: Psychodynamic, Behavioral, and Cognitive Approaches to Treatment Mosrcle 41: Psychotherapy: Humanistic, Interpersonal, and Group Approaches to Treatment Mosrcle 42: Biomedical Therapy: Biological Approaches to Treatment 14: Social Psychology Mosrcle 43: Attitudes and Social Cognition Mosrcle 44: Social Influence Mosrcle 45: Prejudice and Discrimination Mosrcle 46: Positive and Negative Social Behavior Mastering Attitude Change Glossary References Credits Name Index Subject IndexAndyanrt,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请 回复[ 本帖最后由 安魂 于 2009-1-24 12:24 编辑 ] | 有需要联系v;hx-hx4