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Colleagues often ask me why I wrote this unusual book. At first, it was simply so I could sleep at night.It was a way to marshal the extraordinary facts and histories that constantly rotated in my mind and became graphically alive at bedtime!Now I think my reason is to restore, in a humble way, richness to the mystery tradition at a time when the old arts of the philosopher are all but lost. There are many paths to the mysteries. The most predominant organizations in western societies are usually composed of people we might call literalists.They would not like the more accurate label of anti-philosophers.Literalists believe their traditional histories are unique, explain everything and provide enough wisdom to make the rest of civilization irrelevant.Usually, they treat their stories as fact rather than myth and rarely think about it any further.These people often join many societies; yet groan at the mention of a lecture.Archeology provides them interesting asides but discoveries are rarely important enough to change the faith. Then there are capital P and small p philosophers.Capital P philosophers deride literalists and small p philosophers alike as fundamentalists, a dirty word.These capital P philosophers know all myths are just that, myths without a historical basis.Unless archeology proves something happened then it did not, and the myth is just a story having no more merit than a fairy-tale. This book is for the small p or Gnostic philosophers who have a bit each way when it comes to myth.They see myth as having merit and are not surprised when archeologists discover a Troy, or if they hear a story in the Bible is proved true.Most think that Atlantis will eventually be located.Small p philosophers see myths representing important elements of culture and if not based on facts then often based on soft facts. One such soft fact is alchemy. Its goal is the Philosophers’ Stone. ……文件密码:www.zhiyins.com下载地址回复可见:Andyanrt,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请
摘要:《The Alchemy Key》是一本关于炼金术的书籍,在本文中,将从四个方面对该书进行详细阐述。首先介绍作者Stuart Nettleton以及他的研究背景,接着分析书中的主要观点和理论,并列举一些例子加以说明。然后探讨该书对于炼金术研究的影响和意义,以及对读者的启发和启示。最后总结全文,归纳出该书的特点和价值。
Stuart Nettleton是一位炼金术研究者和作家,他对于炼金术的历史和原理有着深入的研究。他在书中介绍了自己对炼金术的理解和认识,并分享了自己的研究成果。他的背景和经历使得他对于炼金术有着独特的见解和观点。
在《The Alchemy Key》中,作者通过详细的史料和实证研究,揭示了炼金术的真正含义和目的。他认为炼金术并不仅仅是一种追求黄金的手段,而是一种深层次的哲学和精神追求。通过对炼金术的历史和文化背景的分析,他揭示了炼金术背后的智慧和意义。
在《The Alchemy Key》中,作者提出了一些重要的观点和理论,这些观点和理论对于炼金术的理解和实践具有重要的意义。
《The Alchemy Key》对于炼金术的研究具有重要的影响和意义。
《The Alchemy Key》是一本关于炼金术的重要着作,它通过对炼金术的研究和实践,揭示了炼金术的真正含义和目的。作者Stuart Nettleton以其独特的见解和深入的研究,为炼金术的研究和实践带来了新的思路和途径。该书对于炼金术研究的影响和意义不可忽视,它不仅为炼金术的研究提供了新的视角和方法,而且对于读者的个人成长和发展具有重要的影响和意义。