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找不到中文翻译的。。。600K,英文版 DOC格式 门罗第二本书《灵魂出体》(英文) 门罗第三本书《终极之旅》(中文)Robert A Monroe has been a pioneer in exploring outofthebody experiences, and Journeys OUT OF THE BODY, his first book, has become the undisputed classic in the field. He had a long and distinguished career in the broadcasting insrcstry, as a writer, director of programs, and creator and prosrccer of some four hundred radio and TV network programs, and eventually as owner and operator of a radio network and cable TV system in Virginia. He is the founder and executive director of the Monroe Institute, internationally known for its work on the effects of sound wave forms on human behavior.Robert Monroe’s second book, Far Journeys, tells the story of his research and development of the OOB experience and further explorations beyond time and space. It was published by Doubleday in 1985.Mr. Monroe plays an active part in the work of the Monroe Institute and lives with his family in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia.ROBERT A. MONROEUpdatedDOUBLEDAYNEW YORK LONDON TORONTO SYDNEY AUCKLANDA MAIN STREET BOOKPUBLISHED BY DOUBLEDAYa division of Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc.1540 Broadway New York, New York 10036MAIN STREET BOOKS, DOUBLEDAY, and the portrayal of abuilding with a tree are trademarks of Doubleday, adivision of Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc.Journeys Out of the Body was originally published in hardcoverby Doubleday in 1971, and in paperback by Anchor Books in 1977.ISBN 0385008619Copyright ® 1971, 1977 by Robert A. MonroeAll Rights ReservedPrinted in the United States of America32 34 36 38 40 39 37 35 33 31CONTENTSForeword Introsrcction1. Not with a Wand, nor Lightly2. Search and Research3. On the Evidence4. ‘Die Here-Now5. Infinity, Eternity6. Reverse Image7. Post Mortem8. " ‘Cause the Bible Tells Me So"9. Angels and Archetypes10. Intelligent Animals11. Gift or Burden?12. Round Holes and Square Pegs13. The Second Body14. Mind and Supermind15. Sexuality in the Second State16. Preliminary Exercises17. The Separation Process18. Analysis of Events19. Statistical Classification20. Inconclusive21. Premises: A Rationale?Epilogue: Personality ProfileAndyanrt,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请 回复 | 有需要联系v;hx-hx4