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“Poignant and precise, well-articulated and presented with steady pace; Jason Miller once again delivers a magical manual for modern practioners who want to go deeper and get more out of their witchcraft. Full of newly developed material, wit, and a confident tone, The Elements of Spellcrafting is a new take on advanced witchcraft and spellcraft that will expand your practice and point you in the direction of power and success. This is not a book I would lend out, you will never see it again!” —Devin Hunter, author of Witch’s Book of Power and Witch’s Book of SpiritThere is no shortage of spells out there. Some books highlight thousands of spells, but do any of them actually work? And how well do they work? I don’t mean just getting a result—I mean getting a result that matters, a result that will impact your life or the lives of those you work for. The Elements of Spellcrafting provides the most effective and efficient ways to get things done with magic.The Elements of Spellcrafting identifies and explains 21 keys to successful sorcery—a best practices of sorcery—in three sections:Principals and strategies for how best to apply magic before you begin.Methods and tactics that will ensure a positive outcome.How to take spells to the next level—building a life of spiritual accomplishment and material success beyond the basics.If you have ever cast a spell that didn’t work, The Elements of Spellcrafting will help you figure out why.If you regularly cast spells that seem to work but you still wind up in the same circumstances, this book will definitely help you chart a new course for victorious spellcrafting. |
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Jason Miller |
AcknowledgmentsIntrosrcctionPart 1: Setting Up the SpellKey 1: Know What Magic Actually DoesKey 2: Stop Making Crappy GoalsKey 3: Make Sure Your Life Is EnchantableKey 4: Everything MattersKey 5: “Matters” Does Not Mean NecessaryKey 6: Make Skillful Statements of IntentKey 7: Emergency Magic Is Bad MagicPart 2: ExecutionKey 8: Embrace the Power of OfferingsKey 9: DIY Is Over-RatedKey 10: Use Macro- and Micro-EnchantmentKey 11: You Are a Spirit TooKey 12: Check Your LinksKey 13: Practice Sane EclecticismKey 14: Magic Is a RhizomePart 3: Advancing Your CraftKey 15: Judge Success SkillfullyKey 16: Enchant for What You Don\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\’t DeserveKey 17: Work Outside the ColumnsKey 18: Failing Without FlailingKey 19: Know Where Your Scarcity LiesKey 20: Trade In Goals for TrajectoryKey 21: Maintain SovereigntyParting WordsAppendix 1: The Seal of ManifestationAppendix 2: 7 Keys for Successful DivinationNotesAbout the Author and Illustrator |
《咒语的要素:成功施展巫术的21个关键》“杰森-米勒再次为那些想深入了解并从巫术中获得更多东西的现代实践者提供了一本神奇的手册,内容凄美而准确,表述清晰,节奏稳健,充满了新颖的材料、智慧和自信的语气,是对高级巫术和咒语的新认识,它将扩展你的实践,并为你指出力量和成功的方向。这不是一本我会借出去的书,你不会再看到它!" ——《女巫的力量之书》(Witch’s Book of Power)和《女巫的灵体之书》(Witch’s Book of Spirit)的作者戴文•亨特(Devin Hunter)外面不乏咒语。有些书强调了数以千计的咒语,但其中是否有真正有效的?它们的效果又如何呢?我不是指仅仅得到一个结果——我是指得到一个重要的结果,一个会影响你的生活或你工作对象的生活的结果。《咒语的要素》提供了用魔法完成事情的最有效和最高效的方法。本书在三个部分中确定并解释了成功施法的21个关键——施法的最佳实践。在你开始之前,如何最好地应用魔法的原则和策略。确保取得积极成果的方法和策略。如何将法术提升到一个新的水平,建立一个超越基础的精神成就和物质成功的生活。如果你曾经施展过一个不起作用的法术,《法术元素》将帮助你找出原因。如果你经常施展似乎有效的法术,但你仍然陷入同样的境地,那么这本书肯定会帮助你为胜利的法术制定一个新的路线。epub格式Andyanrt,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请 回复 |

本主题由 影月 于 2023-2-12 01:23 审核通过有需要联系v;hx-hx4
摘要:本文是关于《The Elements of Spellcrafting: 21 Keys to Successful Sorcery》一书的文章。该书是一本讲述成功咒术的指南,共分为四个方面,包括咒术的基本原理、咒术的元素、咒术的实践和咒术的应用。通过阅读本书,读者将能够全面了解咒术的要素,掌握成功施展咒术的关键。
总结:通过阅读《The Elements of Spellcrafting: 21 Keys to Successful Sorcery》一书,读者可以全面了解咒术的要素和应用方法。本书从咒术的基本原理、咒术的元素、咒术的实践和咒术的应用四个方面进行了详细阐述。通过学习本书,读者可以掌握成功施展咒术的关键,实现自己的愿望。