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The Hatha yoga pradipika of Svatmarama is one of the most important yoga texts, and Hans−Ulrich Rieker’s translation and commentary have long been valuable to yoga students as a complement to their practice and study. Hatha yoga, or hatha vidya (the science of hatha yoga) is commonly misunderstood and misrepresented as being simply a physical culture, divorced from spiritual goals. Hans−Ulrich Rieker shows the error of this idea by explaining the changes which take place, through the practice of hatha yoga, in the practitioner’s body, mind and self. He makes the reader aware of the subjective transformation that occurs as the consciousness penetrates inwards towards the Self, and as the Self diffuses outwards. He shows that hatha yoga is not just physical exercise, but an integrated science leading towards spiritual evolution. We are caught up in emotions like lust (kama), anger (krodha), greed (lobha), infatuation (moha), pride (ynadha) and malice (matsarya). Hatha yoga helps us to overcome these obstacles and hindrances to spiritual development. It is a biochemical, psycho−physiological and psycho−spiritual science which deals with the moral, mental, intellectual and spiritual aspects of man, as well as the physical and physiological. We can clarify our understanding of hatha yoga by first examining five important underlying concepts: mind, knowledge, aims of life, health and afflictions. ……文件密码:www.zhiyins.com下载地址回复可见:Andyanrt,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请
摘要:《HATHA YOGA PRADIPIKA》是一本关于哈达瑜伽的经典着作,它详细阐述了哈达瑜伽的理论和实践方法。本文将从四个方面对《HATHA YOGA PRADIPIKA》进行详细的阐述,包括其历史背景、主要内容、对身体的益处以及对心灵的影响。
《HATHA YOGA PRADIPIKA》是15世纪尼塔尼亚古里(Nath Yogi)瑜伽大师古尔达(Goraksha)所着,是哈达瑜伽的重要经典之一。它将哈达瑜伽的传统知识和实践方法进行了系统化整理,成为后来瑜伽修行者学习的重要参考。
《HATHA YOGA PRADIPIKA》主要包括四个章节,分别是体位法(Asana)、调息法(Pranayama)、气功法(Mudra)和冥想法(Samadhi)。这些内容详细介绍了如何通过不同的身体姿势、呼吸控制、手势以及冥想来实现身心的平衡和提升。
《HATHA YOGA PRADIPIKA》中指导的哈达瑜伽练习对身体有着广泛的益处。通过不同的体位法和调息法,可以增强身体的灵活性、力量和耐力,改善姿势和身体对外界刺激的适应能力,促进身体的自愈能力,缓解身体的紧张和疲劳。
《HATHA YOGA PRADIPIKA》是一本关于哈达瑜伽的经典着作,它系统地介绍了哈达瑜伽的理论和实践方法。通过不同的体位法、调息法、气功法和冥想法,哈达瑜伽可以带来身体的益处,如增强灵活性和力量,改善姿势和适应能力,缓解紧张和疲劳;同时也对心灵产生积极的影响,如减轻压力和焦虑,提高专注力和内心的平静,促进内在的平衡和和谐。