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本书不包含那些能给你带来财富的魔法;也不包含那些可以给你带来爱情的神秘符号;召唤灵体、天使和神祗也不在本书的讨论范围内。魔法可能会是复杂的、无聊的、令人无法接受的、 抑或是失败的,但当你使用本书中的符文(Sigil)时,你会将从中直接获得改变的力量。并将其它“垃圾魔法”丢在身后。它(符文魔法)简单直接,令人兴奋的事实是,这些魔法确确实实地奏效。当你进入这股造物之光(Creative Light)时,你便可以使用这些强大的印记,用魔法为你带来你想要的东西;而符文,便是提供了解锁这些魔法本质的视觉代码。本书不包含任何与巫术有关的内容:比如施展咒语、卡巴拉仪式、召唤灵体或是其它你可能熟悉的任何其他魔法方法。本书只包括纯粹的符文魔法,(使用符文)将你内心的渴望与带来变革的造物之光联系起来。接下来,我将会用简单的语言对符文魔法进行解释。本书中地111个魔法符文,将包含从增强自信到带来好运,从提供治愈到保护,从带来灵感到爱情。涵盖的主题领域是与内心世界相关的、激励他人、扩展知觉、带来财富、爱情和友谊、为魔法上带来突破、灵性地、增强个人力量、带来和平、保护魔法、至于、健康魔法、智慧和教育、商业以及金融方面和就业的魔法;你可以查看本书目录进一步了解。本书不包括召唤天使、恶魔或其它任何灵体。以及本书所介绍的内容,不与任何宗教相关,也不需要咒语。因此,你无需学习任何困难的发音,或是大声说出什么单词。本书中的魔法不需要观想(Visualization),也不需要借助其它设备。你不需要点亮蜡烛或是挥动法杖,你所需要的只是这本书,以及你自己的强烈愿望和执行魔法的意志。而这些魔法之所以奏效,是因为你使用这些自古流传下来的111个符文、这些在现代世界也能够创造奇迹的符文。There are no magick words in this book that can make you rich. There is no secret symbol that can bring you love. Calling on spirits, angels and gods is not what we’re doing here. Magick can be complicated, boring, mind-boggling or a total failure, but when you work with the sigils in this book, you throw out all the confusing magickal garbage and get straight to the power of change. It’s simple and direct, but the exciting truth is that magick does work.When you tap into the light of creation, using these powerful sigils, magick can bring you the things you want. Sigils provide you with a visual code that unlocks the essence of magick. This book does not contain anything to do with witchcraft,spellcasting, kabbalistic ritual, evocation or any other method of magick that you might be familiar with. It is pure sigil magick, connecting your inner desires to the Creative Light of change. I’ll explain what that means in plain English, before too long. There are one hundred and eleven sigils in this book that can helpwith anything from self-confidence to luck, from healing to protection, and from inspiration and intuition to love. The subject areas covered here are The Magick of the Mind, Inspiring Others, Extended Perception, Fortune, Love and Friendship, Breakthrough Magick, Spiritual Magick, Personal Strength, Peace Magick, Protection Magick, Personal Healing, Health Magick, Wisdom and Esrccation, Business and Finance and Employment Magick. You can scan through the table of contents to see how many powers and abilities and ways to change are on offer. This book does not call on angels, demons or any spirits. The magickpresented here is not bound to any religion, and it requires no magick words. You don’t have to learn any difficult pronunciations, or say a single word out loud. The magick requires no visualization and no equipment. You won’t light a candle or wave a wand. All you need is this book, yourown strong desire and the will to carry out the instructions. |
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Adam Blackthorne |
Contents Sigils of Power Copyright PageThe Power of Sigils The Nature of the SigilsThe Sigils of Creative Light The Source of the Sigils How to Use the Sigils Sigils in PracticeThe Flow of Magick Emergency MagickThe Sigils and Their PowersTHE MAGICK OF THE MIND Enhance Your Concentration Increase Dream RecallUnderstand The Messages in Dreams Experience a Lucid Dream Recover a Sense of Joy INSPIRING OTHERSImprove The Mood of Loved OnesImprove The Mood of Those Around You Uncover The Warmth in Others Encourage CompassionEncourage Understanding Encourage Love Encourage TrustEncourage Change and Transformation Encourage Change and Transformation EXTENDED PERCEPTION Uncover Secret Thoughts Sense The Near Future Sense The Far Future Recover a Lost ObjectConnect Psychically with Another FORTUNEObtain a Fair Legal Decision Be Seen in a Good Light Thrive in Competition Make a Good Decision Be Given a ChanceLOVE AND FRIENDSHIPAttract Worthy FriendshipRecover Lost Love Attract RomanceDiscover The Feelings of One You Care For End a Relationship PeacefullyBecome The Center of Attention Attract Love Over Long DistanceMaintain Love Over Long Distance Embrace Your Loyalty Renew PassionBREAKTHROUGH MAGICKOpen The Road to New Opportunities Discover Creative TalentsImprove Creative Inspiration Welcome IntuitionExpand Available Time SPIRITUAL MAGICK Sense the SpiritualDiscover Your Spiritual Path Discover Your Material Path Find Wisdom in ProblemsDiscover Your True Passion PERSONAL STRENGTH Increase Willpower Break a HabitOvercome Procrastination Find Relief from AddictionExperience Self-Confidence Finish What You Start PEACE MAGICKObtain Peace and BalanceSilence The Negative Voice Ease The Pain of Memories Banish Guilt and Shame End Bad LuckHeal a Damaged Relationship Heal a Damaged FriendshipHeal a Damaged Work Relationship End an Argument Peacefully Give Comfort and Peace PROTECTION MAGICK Banish Negative Energy Cancel a CurseFind a Pathway from CrisisProtection Against Physical Violence Protect Against Psychic Attack Make Your Enemy Find Peace Move from Anger to PeaceRemove Unwanted AttentionDiscover Those Who Drain Your Energy Ease People Out of Your LifeMake an Enemy Feel Compassion Make an Enemy Sense Your Power Bring Peace to a HomeMake Noisy Neighbors Quiet PERSONAL HEALING Overcome AnxietyBanish Fear and Worry Ease Depression Quieten the Mind Lighten Your MoodOvercome BitternessRelease the Pain of Jealousy HEALTH MAGICKDiscover the Willpower to Eat WellResrcce Your Appetite Through the Joy of Eating Uncover The Motivation to Exercise Find More Physical Energy Heal Sore Bones and JointsRecover from Stomach Sickness Ease Chronic PainCope with SymptomsRecover Rapidly from Colds and Flu Make Your Skin Glow with Health Heal with Loving Light Encourage Deep SleepRelease The Energy of Youthfulness Sharpen Your MindWISDOM AND EDUCATION Learn with EasePass Exams Easily Develop a New Skill EasilyImprove Organizational Skills Find a Great TeacherBUSINESS AND FINANCE Business BoosterRaise Money for Your ProjectsMoney from Out of the Blue Steady Income IncreaseMake Your Money Go Further Enjoy Spending and Sharing EMPLOYMENT MAGICK Attract a PromotionAttract a Job That Suits Your Needs Perform Well at InterviewBe Noticed by People of Importance Communicate ClearlyCommunicate to a GroupEnd Notes |
书籍原名:Sigils of Power and Transform 111 Magick Sigilsto Change and Control Your Life作者:亚当· 布莱克索恩 Adam Blackthorne简介翻译是自制的Andyanrt,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请 回复 |
摘要:《力量与变革的符文:111个改变并掌握你生活的魔法符文… 》是一本关于个人成长和变革的书籍。它提供了111个可以改变和掌握生活的魔法符文,帮助人们获得力量和实现变革。
《力量与变革的符文:111个改变并掌握你生活的魔法符文… 》中首先介绍了魔法符文的起源。它们来自于古代的智慧和哲学,是人们对生活和世界的观察和思考的结晶。这些符文蕴含着深刻的含义和能量,可以帮助人们获得正能量和力量。
在《力量与变革的符文:111个改变并掌握你生活的魔法符文… 》中,魔法符文被分为不同的分类,每个分类都有其特定的意义和作用。本节将详细解读其中几个分类的符文。
《力量与变革的符文:111个改变并掌握你生活的魔法符文… 》不仅提供了丰富的魔法符文,还教授了运用这些符文的技巧和方法。
《力量与变革的符文:111个改变并掌握你生活的魔法符文… 》强调了魔法符文的变革力量。符文不仅可以改变和影响个人的思维和行为,还可以引发社会和世界的变革。
总结:《力量与变革的符文:111个改变并掌握你生活的魔法符文… 》是一本关于个人成长和变革的书籍。它介绍了魔法符文的起源和分类,解读了其中几个分类的符文,并教授了运用这些符文的技巧和方法。通过学习和应用这些魔法符文,人们可以获得力量和实现变革,不仅改变自己,还可以引发社会和世界的改变。