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《坎宁安魔法草药百科全书》英文版。Scott Cunningham – Cunningham\’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs (Cunningham\’s Encyclopedia Series) (2000, Llewellyn Publications)你需要运用魔法草药吗?需要使用魔法草药在你的咒语里,或是单纯需要使用它们的力量吗?这本草药书是经典的魔法草药书,对于魔法草药学习者来说是必不可少的。它涵盖了400多种草药的详细说明。Do you work magic with herbs? Do you use them in spells, for talismans or simply use their innate powers? If you don\’t have Cunningham\’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs, you need to get it right away. This book has become a classic in its field. Paul Beyerl, a respected author on herbs calls it "…an essential reference book by students of herbalism and magick alike … Scott\’s personable charm touches every page… I highly recommend this book." And Jeanne Rose, famous author of books on herbs and developer of an herbal course says "I love books like this … It is accessible, easy to read, and with its encompassing index (all too often neglected), simple to use as well." Over 200,000 people already have this book and use it frequently. In this edition of the book (it\’s expanded and revised on the 15th anniversary of original publication) you will find the magical properties and folklore of over 400 herbs! You\’ll also find lists of herbs based on their magical powers, their genders, their planetary rulers, and more. Perhaps the most important list is the folk name cross-reference. With that information, when a recipe calls for "bramble, " you\’ll know it needs blackberry. Or if the magic calls for "enebro," you\’ll know you that is juniper. The main part of this book is the listings of the herbs. Each one includes names, associations, and magical attributions. Violets can be used for protection, luck, love, and more. Primrose is for protection and love. Garlic is for protection, healing, exorcism, lust, and prevention of theft. This book is considered a classic. It is probably consulted more than any other book on this subject. If you want to learn the secrets of magical herbs, this book is a must! |
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Scott Cunningham |
ContentsAcknowledgements viiiPreface ixPar t I: The Basics 1Chapter One: The Powers of Herbs 3Chapter Two: Magical Ways 7Chapter Three: Spells and Procesrcres 11Chapter Four: Magical Intentions 17Par t II: The Herbs 21Health Codes Used with the Herbs 266Par t III: Tables & Appendices 267Gender 269Planetary Rulers 271Elemental Rulers 274Magical Intentions 276Colors and their Magical Uses 284Glossary 285Mail-Order Suppliers 287The Magical Properties of Oils 288Folk Names Cross-Reference 289Annotated Bibliography 308Index 324 |
Andyanrt,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请 回复补充内容 (2018-9-9 20:42):不好意思,图书馆分类应该选魔法与巫术,管理员能帮我把帖子分类更改到魔法与巫术类目吗?谢谢谢谢。。。 |
摘要:《坎宁安魔法草药百科全书Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herb》是一本全面介绍魔法草药的百科全书。本文将从四个方面对这本书进行详细阐述,包括其内容简介、作者简介、影响力以及读者评价。通过本文的介绍,读者将能够更好地了解这本百科全书,并为读者提供对这本书的综合评估和参考。
《坎宁安魔法草药百科全书Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herb》是由Scott Cunningham于1985年出版的一本魔法草药百科全书。该书收录了超过400种草药和植物,每种都有详细的描述和用途。书中介绍了每种植物的魔法属性、草药学、使用方法和注意事项。这本百科全书成为了许多魔法从业者和草药爱好者的必备工具书。
Scott Cunningham(1956-1993)是一位着名的新时代魔法师和作家,他致力于将魔法与自然联系起来,并通过他的着作向大众普及这个领域。他是现代魔法和草药学的重要推动者之一。
Cunningham从小就对魔法和自然产生了浓厚的兴趣,并开始研究和实践这些领域。他在20世纪80年代开始撰写魔法和草药学方面的书籍,并成为了魔法社群中备受推崇的作家。他的着作包括《坎宁安魔法草药百科全书Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herb》、《坎宁安魔法书Cunningham’s Book of Shadows》等。
Scott Cunningham的着作以简单易懂、实用性强而闻名,他的贡献被认为对现代魔法和草药学的发展有着深远的影响。
《坎宁安魔法草药百科全书Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herb》以其简洁明了的风格和实用性强大的内容赢得了广大读者的喜爱。这本百科全书成为很多魔法从业者的必备工具书,也深受草药爱好者和自然疗法从业者的推崇。
《坎宁安魔法草药百科全书Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herb》的影响力还体现在它对其他魔法和草药学着作的影响上。许多后续的着作都以该书为参考和基础,使得这本百科全书成为了现代魔法和草药学的经典之作。
《坎宁安魔法草药百科全书Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herb》受到了广大读者的一致好评。读者认为该书内容详实、简单易懂,适合各个层次的读者阅读和参考。书中清晰地介绍了各种植物的属性和用途,为读者提供了丰富的信息和实践方法。
《坎宁安魔法草药百科全书Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herb》是一本内容详实、实用性强的魔法草药百科全书。作者Scott Cunningham以简明扼要的风格,介绍了超过400种草药和植物的属性和用途。该书对于魔法从业者和草药爱好者来说,是一本不可或缺的工具书。它的影响力体现在使读者更好地了解和应用植物的力量,同时也对后续的魔法和草药学着作产生了深远的影响。