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关于精神助手以及相关仪式、传统等,具体请见英文简介:The familiar has been a staple element of the image of the witch for centuries. Despite its ubiquity in folklore, art, books, movies, and television depicting witches and magicians, familiar spirits are an under explored element of modern magical literature. Familiar Unto Me changes that by presenting a comprehensive look at familiar spirits.The book is divided into three parts. Part One introsrcces and discusses the concept of the familiar spirit. The basics of acquiring, maintaining, and working with a familiar are presented. Considerations for planning your own rituals for obtaining a familiar spirit are discussed, and example rituals are presented. The focus in part one is familiars for witches and sorcerers; the defining elements of each approach to magic and how it impacts acquiring a familiar are discussed.Part two explores the concept of familiar spirits in Pagan and NeoPagan contexts with a focus on mythology, faerylore, and the history of the familiar in trial evidence and folklore. Copious descriptions of myths, folktales, and faery stories are presented along with detailed exploration of historical figures, literature, and folk beliefs to paint a picture of the worldview and history of ideas surrounding the familiar spirit. Contemporary approaches to working familiars, fetches, and fylgjur are discussed and analyzed along with traditional lore to explore new and innovative magical concepts adjacent to the familiar spirit. Methods for acquiring a faery familiar are discussed along with the presentation of an early modern ritual for encountering a faery queen.Part three explores the adventure of a group of magicians acquiring a familiar spirit for their lodge. It presents the rituals, details of planning and execution, and a discussion of the experience. This exploration becomes the basis of exploring the role of familiars, and positive spirit possession in contemporary revivals of magic as a path towards creating living spirit traditions rooted in historical European magical practice, informed by the wisdom and experience of living spirit traditions in the Americas. Part three also explores often overlooked role of spirit magic in the Victorian magical revival and the evidence of sex magical practices related to familiar spirits. Rituals for an elemental lover round out the collection of rituals.The text provides nine rituals. Two of the rituals are presented with variants for the elements so that the magician can work directly and conveniently from the book. An additional traditional ritual is described and analyzed in detail along with comparison to a description of the ritual in a folktale. Each ritual has either some analysis of the ritual, explanations of why it is designed the way it is, or discussion of experience executing the ritual.The book discusses spirit assistants from antiquity through today. Modes of working for grimoire magic, traditional witchcraft, NeoPagan witchcraft, Paganism and modern ceremonial magic are all presented or discussed. |
英文 |
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BJ Swain |
Part One: Familiar SpiritsCare and Feeding of your Familiar 1Working With your Familiar 7How Much is that Feral Cat in the Window? 13A Witch’s Familiar 23Ritual for Acquiring a Familiar from the Witches’ Devil 27Ritual for Acquiring a Familiar from the Queen of Elphame 31A Sorcerer’s Familiar 35Ritual to Bind a Planetary Familiar to a Ring 40The Abramelin Familiars and The Use of the Abramelin Squares 45Are All Familiars the Same? 49Part Two: Faeries, Fetches, and Fylgja: Familiars in Pagan and Folklore ContextsHistory and Comparative Concepts 55Faery Faith and Household Spirits 61Faery Lovers in Myths and Folklore 69The Birth of CuChulainn 70The Voyage of Bran 71The Lay of Volund 72The Wooing of Etain 75Ethna and Finvarra 83The Daughter of the King Under-Waves 87Thomas the Rhymer and the Hidden Folk 92Faery Widowers 94The Leannan Sidhe and Fatal Lovers 99Conclusion 113The Faery Familiar 115The Faery Kings and Queens in Surviving Books of Magic 129Encountering a Faery 137A Ritual to Sibylla from the Cambridge Book of Magic 138The Fetch 149The Fylgja 165It’s a Bird! It’s a Fetch! It’s a Familiar! 179Part Three: The Demon of BaltimoreWhy Would You Want a DEMON?!? 193Initiations Sacraments and Conjuration 205Planning and Preparations 219Conjuring a Familiar To Bind to a Bottle in a Lodge 226Analysis of the Ritual for Conjuring a Familiar 241A Familiar in a Crystal 249How to Enclose a Spirit in a Crystal Stone 251A Demon Sabbat 255A Demon’s Sabbat 260Analysis and Why it’s Important 267Revisiting: Spirit Possession inthe Modern Western Tradition 279Cross of a Frog and Nymphs 297Elemental Familiars 303Rituals to Marry an Elemental Familiarin the Context of Enochian Sex Magic 319First Group: Rituals Drawn fromCrowley’s Liber Chanokh 320Air 320Water 325Earth 330Fire 335Second Group: Golden Dawn/ Thelemic Inspired Rituals Utilizing John Dee’s Conjurations 339Air 339Water 346Earth 353Fire 360Sex, Blood, and Semen 367Conclusion 373Works Consulted 375Index 383 |
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摘要:《Familiar Unto Me: Witches Sorcerers and Their Spirit Companions》是一本关于巫师和他们的精神伙伴的书籍。本文将从四个方面对该书进行详细阐述。
《Familiar Unto Me: Witches Sorcerers and Their Spirit Companions》是一本探讨巫师与精神伙伴之间的关系的书籍。通过对巫师与精神伙伴的定义与特点、历史和文化背景、实践和技巧以及影响和意义的详细阐述,本书帮助我们更好地理解和探索巫师与精神伙伴之间的神秘关系。