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是一本偏向仪式魔法的卢恩符文书籍Appendix CIntrosrcctory InformationThe Outer Hall of the Rune-GildRunes are the mysteries that underlie all of the worlds—these mysteries liehidden in, and give power to, all things. They pull those who seek themever onward and upward. Knowledge of them and the quest for theirmastery, both within the self and throughout the worlds, is the Path of Odin.This quest leads to transformation—in the Self and in the Worlds.As a practical matter, the Odian Path has, until recently, been obstructedby a general lack of available information on a refined and authentic level.The Rune-Gild has undertaken to remedy this lamentable situation. Butbeyond this goal, our intention is to provide a gateway into the practicalapplication of runic principles. It is imperative that a number of indivisrcalsbe initiated into the intellectual and working aspects of runology. The soulof our folk has little chance of survival—much less of being as great as it isdestined to become—if it is not armed with the Secrets of the Self. Thesesecrets are the Runes.Because knowledge of the Runes has languished under suppression inthe distant past, and under ill-conceived superficial studies in the morerecent past, it is now necessary that seekers along the true Rune-roads gaindeep and sound intellectual knowledge along with more practical work inRunecraft. Knowledge and Work must always go hand in hand.History of the GildThe Rune-Gild was founded in 1980 as the first authentic rebirth of theelder runic tradition to be available to the new Gilders in about amillennium. Over the ensuing years, the Gild has grown and changed itsform as new information and impulses entered into its knowledge base—and as its leadership became more initiated. However, our aim has remainedtrue and steadfast: to see the elder Runemasters again make their wisdomknown and felt in the world of their descendants. This is a great task forthose interested in the heritage of the Germanic or Gothic peoples—and thisincludes all those who live in countries where a Germanic language (suchas English) predominates—it may indeed be the greatest task that liesbefore us. For without the deep-level spiritual heritage to guide us, we willsurely be lost in a morass of cultural confusion. The Runes stand ready, theMasters know their srcty, but each Gilder must work for his or her owninitiation. The doors of the Gild-Hall now stand open—enter with heart,enter with mind—and learn again the ways of the Runemasters.With the publication of Futhark, Runelore, and Runecaster’s Handbook,the gates to Rune-work and Runecraft were opened. In the Rune-Gild youwill be introsrcced to a graded series of exercises known as The Nine Doorsof Midgard. In these exercises you will learn various techniques of Runework: Rune-thinking (meditation/contemplation); Runecasting (divination);galdor (incantational or verbal magic); making of Rune-tines (talismans)and other forms of Runecraft (operative magic); and, most important of all,Rune-work (self-transformational activity); as well as many othertechniques that were only touched on in a cursory fashion in Futhark andRunecaster’s Handbook. The first three books by Edred Thorsson were thebeginning—the Rune-Gild is the end, both a path and a goal.The curriculum of the Gild is based on the oldest and most traditionalrunology of the Erulians. From this traditional base—which all recentlypublished profane approaches to the Runes lack—Gild members will beguided to levels of knowledge completely unavailable through otheravenues.The rationale of the existence of the Gild is this: in olden times therewas a Rune-Gild, an intertribal network of those initiated into runicknowledge. This network (or gild) was a unique feature of Germanicculture(s) in ancient times. The Rune-Gild is in fact a remanifestation ofthis network. The absolute proof of this is that the leadership of the Gild isqualified in the established intellectual world: its leader is a Ph.D. inGermanic Studies with a dissertation entitled Runes and Magic; itsmembers are well-published authorities on the subjects of the Runes and theGermanic tradition. The Gild is not a theater for occultizoid nincompoopsor starry-eyed elf-gazers. It is the core of a serious cultural movement. TheRune-Gild has all the hallmarks of the true and authentic remanifestation ofthe Gild of old. It is a traditional school dependent on personal contact nowas it was in ancient times, and it will always remain dependent on thiscontact. This is the way it was, the way it is, and the way it shall be forever.Structure of the Rune-GildIn the Outer Hall of the Gild there are three levels, or “degrees,” ofinitiation. These are based on the most ancient steps of learning any skillknown in the elder age—that of apprentice, journeyman, and master. In theterminology of the Gild, however, these are reflected in the names or titlesLearner, Fellow, and Master.The Gild is divided into Inner and Outer Halls. The Outer Hall of theGild is made up of the Learners and Fellows of the Gild, guided by theGild-Masters. If there is a Hall-Leader in your area who is running a GildHall, there will also most likely be Outer Hall Workings and gatherings thatyou could attend. Also, members are encouraged to set up Rûna-Workshops(“runic study groups”) in geographical areas where no Hall exists. ManyGilders in the Outer Hall will be working alone, or in Rûna-Workshops. Itcannot be said too often that the Gild does not deal in “mail-orderoccultism.”The Inner Hall is made up of those who have completed the Nine Doorsof Midgard curriculum, or its equivalent, and who have been personallyinsrccted by a Gild-Master as a Fellow of the Gild.The Outer Hall of the Gild is not overly formal in its organization—it israther like an extended magical study group. The practical advantages toactual membership in the Outer Hall are the extensive personal contacts thatcan be made, information on all the latest developments in the world ofRune-work, and most importantly the inner keys to making the HallWorkings true magical bonds between yourself and the Gild-Halls (bothInner and Outer) around the world.A word might be mentioned on the Gild-Masters and Drightens. Theyare a distinguished group of indivisrcals each with their own area ofexpertise, each with their own unique gifts to offer the Gild. The YrminDrighten, Edred, is the author of a number of books, including the major“textbooks” of Rune-Gild work. He also holds a Ph.D. in Germanic Studiesfrom a major university.Goals of the GildAmong the most important goals of the Gild are the continued developmentof traditional and transformational Runelore and the dissemination of thatsystem to those who are inspired by the quest for the Runes. We continue toinstitute Rûna-Workshops around the world. In addition to this, there is anever-expanding network of Outer Gild-Halls open to members who arepersonally invited by a local Hall-Leader to join a Gild-Hall.It cannot be overemphasized that the main work of the Gild is centeredin each indivisrcal, and its main aim is the self-transformation of eachGilder according to the ancient Odian principles. For it is only from thisbasis of transformed indivisrcals that the new Gild can be reborn in the fullessence of the elder Gild of the Erulians.For such transformations to occur, there come key moments in theindivisrcal development of each Runer when personal contact with a trueRunemaster is Needed. The Rune-path may begin in solitude, and may endthere, but in the middle there comes a time to interact with those who bearthe Flame and who can show it to you.To this end, the foundation of the first permanent Hall of the Gild—theYrmin-Hall—was laid in late 1993 and it was fully erected in the early partof 1994. It is situated on a significant parcel of land near Austin, Texas.From 1997 to 2005 the Gild held annual Gild-Moots in urban areas aroundthe world. After that time the Gild became more decentralized and itsactivities became more widespread. At present the Gild is very welldeveloped in various parts of the USA, as well as in in England, where itsactivities are guided by the Drighten Ian Read and the members of theEormensyl Hall. The whole history of the contemporary Gild up to the year2005 is outlined in the book History of the Rune-Gild, vol. III. Since 2005further World Gild-Moots have been held in the USA and in Europe, andmore are being planned for the future.The work of the Gild can be summed up in the seed-word Rûna—“TheMystery,” especially as extended and articulated through the stave Reyn tilRúna—“Seek toward the Mysteries!” Rûna is the Hidden in the World, andthe Sense of the Hidden lying within the depths of the Self. This eternalQuest is the essence of Rune-work and its fulfillment is the highest goal ofthe Gild.The Doors of Valhalla stand wide open. It is now your work to stepforth through the Doors of Midgard to face the challenges of a new way ofbeing that awaits you within. The Gild stands ready to help you in this work—as no other organization in the world today can do. We welcome thosewho now wish to join us in the runic quest!Entry into the GildTo become an Associate of the Rune-Gild, and begin your possible roadtoward becoming an actual initiated member, you must first register withthe Gild. All prospective Associates are strongly urged to visit the Gild’swebsite for the most up-to-date information. You may also contact us at ourpostal address. |
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Edred Thorsson |
Table of ContentsPreface to the New EditionPreface to the Third EditionPreface to the Second EditionRevised Preface to the First EditionAbbreviationsIntrosrcctionA Note on TerminologyThe First Door of MidgardThe Other Door of MidgardThe Third Door of MidgardThe Fourth Door of MidgardThe Fifth Door of MidgardThe Sixth Door of MidgardThe Seventh Door of MidgardThe Eighth Door of MidgardThe Ninth Door of MidgardAppendix A: Tables of Basic RuneloreAppendix B: The Rites of the Rûna-WorkshopsAppendix C: Introsrcctory InformationAppendix D: Reading |
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本主题由 影月 于 2023-3-28 19:59 加入精华有需要联系v;hx-hx4
摘要:《The Nine Doors of Midgard 》(米德加德的九道门)是一部引人入胜的小说,通过讲述主人公在冒险中逐渐开启九个神秘之门的故事,展现了奇幻世界的魅力。本文将从四个方面对《The Nine Doors of Midgard 》进行详细阐述。
《The Nine Doors of Midgard 》将读者带入了一个充满奇幻和神秘的世界。作者通过精彩的描写和丰富的想象力,将这个世界栩栩如生地呈现在读者面前。
《The Nine Doors of Midgard 》中蕴含着丰富的主题和哲学思考。故事中的每一个门都代表着不同的主题,例如勇气、智慧、爱和命运等。
《The Nine Doors of Midgard 》是一部具有较高文学价值的小说。作者运用丰富的语言和精准的描写能力,让读者能够身临其境地感受故事的魅力。
《The Nine Doors of Midgard 》是一部引人入胜的小说,通过主人公的成长、奇幻世界的描绘、主题的探索以及文学价值的展现,给读者带来了丰富的阅读体验和思考空间。阅读这部小说,不仅可以获得娱乐,还能够从中汲取智慧和力量。