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Denise Alvarado is a true hoodoo mamba home girl who burned hi-octane conjure in New Orleans where she grew up, and on visits to relatives in the Mississippi bayous, where she was formally introsrcced to the Voodoo/hoodoo path. Called by the spirits and taught conjuration by family members, she was working the goofer from five years old. That’s some serious heat. Denise is no pretender. She’s for real. She fixes the formulas, raises the spirits, calculates the mathematics, and works wonders at the old dirt track crossroads.” -Doktor Snake, author of Doktor Snake’s Voodoo SpellbookWhen it comes to Voodoo, few things are more iconic than the Voodoo doll. Known also as conjure dolls, doll babies, dollies, baby dolls, poppets, fetich, fetish, and effigies, they are servants of fast-acting, long-lasting magic. If you are seeking a new job or new friends, need to find your one true love or keep your lover at home, wish to be rid of your enemies or protect yourself from thievery, in these pages you will find the doll and the spell to do just that and more.Drawing not only on New Orleans Voodoo and hoodoo traditions, Alvarado also presents doll spellwork from ancient Greece, Egypt, Malaysia, Japan, Africa, and the European grimoires of old magic. You’ll learn how to make, use, and properly dispose of your Voodoo doll.Be warned: this is some of the most effective magic that exists so be ready to reap what you are about to sow, or in this case, sew! |
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Denise Alvarado |
Foreword xvPreface xviiONE The Pin Is Mightier than the Sword 1Principles of Doll Magick…………………………………………………………………3TWO Banishing & Uncrossing Spells 7Bottle Spell to Make a Person Move…………………………………………………..8Marie Laveaux Banishing Doll Ritual…………………………………………………9Poppet to Banish Illness …………………………………………………………………10St. Expedite Spell to Get Rid of a Person………………………………………….11Banish a Woman Who Is Trying to Steal Your Man……………………………..13Get Rid of a Troubling Ex-Lover……………………………………………………..13Make a Person Move ……………………………………………………………………..15Traditional New Orleans Coffin Spell ………………………………………………15Reverse a Curse Poppet Spell………………………………………………………….18Break a Curse……………………………………………………………………………….19Uncrossing and Protection Doll ………………………………………………………19THREE Curses, Hexes & Spells for Revenge 23Ancient Spell to Inflict Pain ……………………………………………………………24Avenge a Scorned Love………………………………………………………………….24Black Arts Spell…………………………………………………………………………….26Black Pin Spell ……………………………………………………………………………..27Feather Fetish to Make a Person Sick ……………………………………………….28Spell for a Curse That Only You Can Remove …………………………………..28Stick It to Your Enemy…………………………………………………………………..29Georgia Witch Salt Dough Doll Baby ………………………………………………30Get Even Gris Gris Doll ………………………………………………………………..31Keep a Person Frustrated and Unsuccessful……………………………………….31Heartburn Revenge Doll………………………………………………………………..32Hex Your Enemy Ritual …………………………………………………………………33Hillbilly’s Revenge Bone Wax Doll ………………………………………………….33Malay Charm to Scorch the Soul of an Enemy ………………………………….34Hot Foot Hannibal Conjure Doll …………………………………………………….34Mississippi Death Doll…………………………………………………………………..36Mississippi Hex Doll……………………………………………………………………..37New Orleans Death Rite………………………………………………………………..38Seven Pins Voodoo………………………………………………………………………..38Make a Person Sickly……………………………………………………………………..40Tormentor Conjure Doll………………………………………………………………..40VoodooSpell_forthpages.indd 6 4/11/14 3:21 PMContents viiThreefold Payback Wiccan Poppet Spell …………………………………………..41Demon Doll Spell to Get Even……………………………………………………….41Hoodoo You Hate Doll ………………………………………………………………….42Voodoo Mama’s Revenge……………………………………………………………….42Wax Corpse Doll Charm from Malay ………………………………………………44Witchdoctor’s Demon Doll…………………………………………………………….44Witch Queen’s Revenge Doll………………………………………………………….45The Wrath of Jezebel Voodoo Doll Hex …………………………………………..48Gaelic Carp Creaah ………………………………………………………………………49The Devil Doll Spell……………………………………………………………………..50Disease Doll to Make a Person Sick …………………………………………………51Irish Potato Doll to Make a Drunkard………………………………………………52New Orleans Coffin Spell to Kill a Woman……………………………………….53FOUR Dream Dolls of Antiquity 59Magickal Hermes Doll for Dream Prediction…………………………………….60Request for a Dream Oracle …………………………………………………………..62Saucer Divination of Aphrodite ………………………………………………………63FIVE Bend-Over Spells 65Triple Strength Bend-Over Voodoo Doll Spell…………………………………..65Magnetic Love Doll to Bring Back a Wayward Lover………………………….66Change Someone’s Night……………………………………………………………….67SIX Spells for Love & Romance 69Bring Your Lover Back Voodoo Doll Spell…………………………………………69Faithful Muchacho Love Spell ………………………………………………………..69Greco-Roman Love Spell……………………………………………………………….70Gris Gris Doll for a Successful Marriage …………………………………………..71Keep Your Man Faithful …………………………………………………………………72Love Doll Spell…………………………………………………………………………….73Love Me Voodoo Doll Spell……………………………………………………………73Love Talisman Spell ………………………………………………………………………74Make Me Irresistible Voodoo Doll Spell……………………………………………74Muchachita (Little Girl) Sweetener Spell …………………………………………75Pierced Heart Love Spell ……………………………………………………………….76Seven Pins Love Spell ……………………………………………………………………76Unite Two Lovers………………………………………………………………………….78Spice Up Your Sex Life Love Doll Spell……………………………………………78St. Joseph Wedding Dolls……………………………………………………………….79SEVEN Binding Spells 81Binding Your Love ………………………………………………………………………..82Mirror Box to Bind an Enemy…………………………………………………………82Tie an Enemy Up………………………………………………………………………….83EIGHT Break Up Spells 87Psalm (King James Version) ……………………………………………………………88Break Up a Couple Voodoo Doll Spell……………………………………………..89Home Breaker Ritual …………………………………………………………………….89Separation Spell……………………………………………………………………………90Doll Baby to Make a Couple Fight…………………………………………………..91NINE Money Spells 93Easy Money Doll Baby Spell…………………………………………………………..93Hold On to Your Money Voodoo Doll Spell ……………………………………..93Wealth and Prosperity Voodoo Doll Spell…………………………………………94Voodoo Doll for Money…………………………………………………………………95Gypsy Money Doll………………………………………………………………………..96TEN Business & Employment Spells 99Gain a Specific Job………………………………………………………………………..99Sacred Heart of Jesus Employment Spell………………………………………..100Honey Boss Doll …………………………………………………………………………101ELEVEN Better Business Spells 103Greco-Roman Business Spell ………………………………………………………..103Little Beggar Charm Doll for Bringing in Customers………………………..104TWELVE Court Case Spells 109Release a Prisoner ……………………………………………………………………….109Make a Judge Sick……………………………………………………………………….111Ochosi Spell for Justice………………………………………………………………..112THIRTEEN Spells for Good Luck, Success, & Gambling 115General Good Luck Spell …………………………………………………………….115Good Luck Charm Doll……………………………………………………………….116Lucky Conjure Doll…………………………………………………………………….116Gambling Spells………………………………………………………………………….117Fast Luck Buckeye Voodoo Doll Spell…………………………………………….117Lucky Gambling Voodoo Doll ………………………………………………………118Wheel of Fortune Voodoo Doll Baby ……………………………………………..119FOURTEEN Health & Fertility Spells 123Cure-All Poppet………………………………………………………………………….123Doll Baby Spell for Healing ………………………………………………………….126To Heal a Sick Person…………………………………………………………………..127White Voodoo Doll to Hasten Healing …………………………………………..127Sheela Na-Gig Doll for Fertility…………………………………………………….128The Blessing Spell……………………………………………………………………….130Our Lady of Good Remedy Doll …………………………………………………..131New Orleans Voodoo Doll for Blessings………………………………………….133FIFTEEN Spells for Power & Domination 135Damballah Wedo Do as I Say Spell………………………………………………..135Ancient Chaldean Spell ……………………………………………………………….136Whiskey Doll to Keep a Man from Wandering…………………………………137SIXTEEN Spells For Protection, Countermagic & Defense 139Chango Spell for Protection………………………………………………………….139Fiery Wall of Protection Voodoo Doll Spell……………………………………..141Spell for Victory over Evil…………………………………………………………….143High John the Conqueror Protection Spell ……………………………………..143Confuse an Enemy………………………………………………………………………145Spell to Stop Evil ………………………………………………………………………..145Simple Spell for Protection…………………………………………………………..146Spell for Protection against Evil Spells……………………………………………146Neutralize Enemy Attacks ……………………………………………………………147Sanctus Spiritus Gris Gris Doll for Protection against Evil Spirits and All Manner of Witchcraft ……………………………………………………….148Voodoo Doll Spell for Protection against Betrayal and Bewitchment, and to Be Blessed Always……………………………………………………………..150Paper Voodoo Doll Protection Spell……………………………………………….151Voodoo Doll for Defense against All Evil………………………………………..151Carolina Dean’s Basic Protection Spell …………………………………………..152Voodoo Poppet Spell to Stop Gossip ……………………………………………..153Spell to Silence Gossip…………………………………………………………………153Shut Yo’ Mouth Poppet Spell………………………………………………………..153Spells to Deal with Thieves…………………………………………………………..153A Doll to Trip Up Thieves…………………………………………………………….154Cause Male or Female Thieves to Be Frozen in Time ………………………..155SEVENTEEN Spells for Self-Improvement 159Blessed Unbinding Voodoo Doll Ritual …………………………………………..159An Egyptian Memory Spell…………………………………………………………..160Make Me Irresistible ……………………………………………………………………161Spell for Restraining Anger …………………………………………………………..161Año Viejo Ecuadorian New Year’s Poppet……………………………………….162EIGHTEEN Wishing Spells 165Wishing Doll Spell for Luck, Health, and Protection ………………………..165Seven Wishes Voodoo Doll Love Spell……………………………………………166Wishing Fetish ……………………………………………………………………………166San Simón Wish-Granting Doll……………………………………………………..166NINETEEN Japanese Voodoo Spells 171Japanese Cursing Doll………………………………………………………………….173Japanese Teratu Bōzu Dolls…………………………………………………………..175TWENTY Goetic Rituals 177Magickal Doll for Invoking Spirits …………………………………………………178Magickal Doll to Raise the Ghost of a Loved One ……………………………185TWENTY-ONE A Little Lagniappe 187Voodoo Doll Spell to Keep Your Cat or Dog from Wandering Off………187St. Francis of Assisi’s Protection Doll for Pets…………………………………..189How to Render Oneself Invisible …………………………………………………..190Voodoo Doll Spell to Find a Missing Person…………………………………….191The Magic Maiden………………………………………………………………………193Resources 195Bibliography 197 |
作者简介 (摘自about.me 网站,自制翻译)丹妮丝·阿尔瓦拉多 (Denise Alvarado) 出生于新奥尔良,在路易斯安那州新奥尔良的独特文化中长大,并从个人及学术角度研究民俗传统已有 40 余年。 她拥有硕士学位: 瓦尔登大学心理学学士学位和文学学士学位,及北亚利桑那大学文化人类学博士学位。 作为一名独立学着,丹尼斯还是美国人类学协会和土着人类学协会以及几个其他组织的成员,包括儿童人类学和儿童兴趣小组 (ACCIG)、数字人类学兴趣小组 (DAIG) 和 非政府组织和非营利组织 (IGNN)。 同时,她害是 Hoodoo & Conjure 杂志的主编,也是专注于美国南部民间魔法传统的相关书籍的作者。丹尼丝的活动包括针对个人和组织的文化和精神咨询、评估和培训;电影制片人和制作公司亦经常向她咨询,新奥尔良巫毒和以及美国南部民间魔法相关的知识。 她曾向历史频道以及科幻频道 Raw TV 的制作公司提供过咨询服务,就超自然现象、非洲Ju Ju 、黑奴贩卖、新奥尔良巫毒教等相关方面。 而她的作品曾出现在国家地理的节目中。她还是瓦尔登大学社会变革研究和应用奖学金的获得者。在2008-2009 年间,她的主要研究方向是美洲原住民健康量表 (NAWS),这项研究的主要目的是为美洲原住民和原住民人口、制定部落之间的生活质量衡量标准;她开发了第一个在美国原住民人群中所使用的,在文化上与他们的生活所契合生活质量衡量标准。如今,丹妮丝仍继续着她写作和研究的生活;她对于民俗文化的的研究和实践工作,为她提供了独特的观察视角——作为参与者的视角。所着书籍:The Voodoo Hoodoo Spellbook, Hoodoo and Conjure Quarterly, Hoodoo Almanac 2012 & 2013 (with Dean and Pustanio), The Voodoo Doll 等Andyanrt,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请 回复 |