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Living Spirits explores the various types of spirits which exist in Western Magic and how they can be approached in a world alive with their presence and power. Living Spirits invites readers to jump off the sidelines and reach deep into the rich soil of a magical world and explore its power and mysteries so as to apply them for the purposes of real and effective magic. The book explores the traditions of the grimoires but goes beyond that and explores spirit magic in a broader current based on building relationships with spirits.《活灵》探讨了西方魔法中存在的各种类型的灵体,以及如何在一个充满它们的存在和力量的世界中接近它们。《活灵》邀请读者跳出旁观者的行列,深入到魔法世界的肥沃土壤中,探索它的力量和奥秘,以便将它们应用于真正有效的魔法目的。本书探讨了魔典的传统,但又超越了这一点,在与灵体建立关系的基础上,在更广泛的潮流中探讨了灵体魔法。 |
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BJ Swain |
I A Spirit Haunted World 11II What Is Conjuration? 17III An Historical View of Conjuration 21IV Solomonic Magic: It\’s History and Nature 33V Devotion 47A Devotional Ritual: Installing an Image 53VI Scrying 56VII Ancestors 61VIII Elementals 79Conjuring the Elemental Spirits 85IX Nature Spirits 86X Preparation, Charism, and Intermediary Spirits 96XI The Holy Guardian Angel 109XII The Four Kings 119A Conjuration for Asking Kings of the Cardinal Directions to Send a Spirit. 134XIII Hekate 139Deipnon 156A Tiresian Necromancy of Hekate Based on the I Century Description by Statius 161XIV Angels and Demons 171XV Aerial Spirits 184Conjuration of King Arcar 195XVI The Olympic Spirits 198XVII The Dead 207XVIII Fairies 217XIX Tying It All Together 225Offerings 230Spaces 233Not All Spirits are Good 235Protection 236First Appendix: Grimoire Spells 239Love Spell 250Money Spell 253Elimination Spell 256Second Appendix: The Pentacles of Solomon 259Consecration of the Fifth Pentacle of Luna 265Consecration of the Fifth Pentacle of Mercury 270Consecration of the Fifth Pentacle of Venus 275Consecration of the Third Pentacle of Sol 281Consecration of the Sixth Pentacle of Mars 287Consecration of the Second Pentacle of Jupiter 292Consecration of the Fourth Pentacle of Saturn 298Third Appendix: Southern Conjure: A Practical Look at Spiritous Sorcery 304Petition papers 310Powders and Oils 313Candles 318Mojo Hands 320Sweetening Jars 322Fourth Appendix: Two Group Rituals 328By Lamp and Water 329A Feast for the Dead 346Summation 363 |
《活灵:灵体世界的魔法导航》讲各种灵体和关于它们的魔法的Andyanrt,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请 回复补充内容 (2023-1-23 09:28):简介翻译来自DeepL补充内容 (2023-1-25 10:01):其实标题本来想翻译成活灵活现,感觉太怪了就没这么整 |

本主题由 影月 于 2023-1-24 20:38 加入精华有需要联系v;hx-hx4
摘要:《Living Spirits: A Guide to Magic in a World of Spirits》是一本关于灵魂世界魔法的指南,本文以这本书为中心,从四个方面对其进行详细阐述。
《Living Spirits: A Guide to Magic in a World of Spirits》以细腻的笔触描绘了一个魔法与灵魂共存的世界。书中描述了这个世界中的各种神奇生物、法术和魔法技巧,让读者完全沉浸在这个神秘而美丽的世界中。
除了描绘魔法世界的外貌,书中还深入探讨了魔法与灵魂之间的关系,解释了灵魂对于魔法的重要性。这种独特的视角使得《Living Spirits: A Guide to Magic in a World of Spirits》成为一本独一无二的奇幻作品。
《Living Spirits: A Guide to Magic in a World of Spirits》不仅仅是一个关于魔法世界的描绘,它还是一本实用的魔法指南。书中详细解析了各种魔法技巧和法术,教导读者如何运用他们的灵魂力量进行魔法实践。
《Living Spirits: A Guide to Magic in a World of Spirits》深入探索了灵魂世界的奥秘。通过对灵魂的本质和力量的讨论,读者可以更好地理解魔法的本质和实践。
《Living Spirits: A Guide to Magic in a World of Spirits》强调了灵魂与现实世界之间的平衡。书中强调了灵魂力量的正确运用和控制,以及在魔法实践中保持与现实世界的连接。
总结:《Living Spirits: A Guide to Magic in a World of Spirits》是一本以描绘魔法世界为主题的奇幻作品。它不仅仅是一本描绘,还是一本实用的魔法指南,教导读者如何运用灵魂力量进行魔法实践。通过深入探索灵魂世界的奥秘和讲述灵魂与现实世界的平衡,这本书为读者打开了一扇通向神秘和魔法的大门。