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IN the following pages I have sought to satisfy a request, often made to me, to give a short but comprehensive view of the whole fabric of the Arcane mysteries, and affinity with the Masonic System; and I here take the opportunity of recording my protest against the sceptical tendencies of the present generation of the Moderns who are Masons, and against the efforts that are made, in season and out of season, to underrate the insrcbitable antiquity of the Masonic ceremonies.These efforts, which tend to lower the prestige of our ancient Craft, are not altogether without good results, as they have led to a more careful examination of our Masonic legends and of ancient documents, and I have therefore added, to a general History of the Arcane Schools, a view, sufficiently explicit, of the ancient rites of the Masons, leaving the intelligent Freemason of our day to trace the relative bearing of these.It is no compliment to the Masons who founded the Grand Lodge of England in 1717, and who, however ill informed they may have been in London, yet, as is amply proved, accepted old customs of the Guilds with discrimination, to suppose that they unanimously undertook to impose upon the public, a system as ancient which they themselves were engaged in concocting.Nor is it any compliment to the intelligence of their imagined victims.Whether or not I succeed in convincing the candid reader of the great antiquity of the Institution must be left to time; those of my readers who are pledged to the views of these Moderns will no doubt adhere {v} through life to the ideas in which they have indoctrinated themselves, but enquiry is progressing and there is still a very large substratum of the Craft whose belief is yet strong in the good-faith of their predecessors, whether, in what was last century, termed Ancients or Moderns, and it is to such that I more particularly address myself.The best reward for my labours would be to find that the study of our Craft and analogous societies was making progress, and that others are supplying new facts from old books, that may aid in bridging over any chasms that may be noticed in the following pages.My endeavour has been to print well authenticated matter only, in order that the information supplied may be reliable.Every paragraph is a fact or desrcction from facts, and however much condensed nothing of moment, known to the present time and having a bearing upon Freemasonry, has been omitted.The works of the learned Brother George Oliver, D.D., lack critical cohesion, and have consequently fallen into undeserved neglect, but sufficient will be found in these pages to show that his theories are not devoid of method, and will admit of an authentic construction being put upon those claims which he advances for the antiquity of the Masonic Institution. Those who obstinately deny the existence of anything which is outside their own comprehension are fully as cresrclous as those who accept everything without discrimination.There are certain intellects which lack intuition and the ability to take in and assimilate abstruse truths, just as much as there are people who are colour-blind, or deaf to the more delicate notes of music; this was well known to the ancient theologians and mystics, and the reasons which they assigned for the mental incapacity will appear in the following pages. I cannot allow the opportunity to pass, in closing my labours, without thanking my publisher for his invariable kindness, courtesy, and general care; and the reader is also much indebted to him for the compilation of the Index.We have considerably exceeded the 500 pages {vi} with which we made the announcement to the public, hence the slight delay in publication. I have also to thank our subscribers for their unwearied patience in waiting for the appearance of this work, which, except for modern revisions, has lain dormant for 10 years. ……文件密码: www.zhiyins.com下载地址回复可见:Andyanrt,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请 回复 | 有需要联系v;hx-hx4
摘要:《ARCANE SCHOOLS》是一部关于魔法学校的小说,故事发生在一个充满魔法和奇幻的世界中。本文将从四个方面对《ARCANE SCHOOLS》进行详细阐述:魔法学校的设定、主要角色介绍、故事情节以及作品的影响力。
在《ARCANE SCHOOLS》中,魔法学校是一个重要的背景设定。学校分为不同的系别,如火系、水系、风系等,每个系别都有自己的教授和学生。学生们通过学习魔法知识和技巧,不断提升自己的实力。魔法学校内设有各种设施和资源,为学生们提供良好的学习环境。
《ARCANE SCHOOLS》中有许多吸引人的主要角色。其中,主人公是一个普通的学生,他偶然发现了自己拥有强大的魔法天赋,并被魔法学校录取。在学校中,他结识了一群志同道合的朋友,他们一起经历了许多冒险和挑战。除了主人公和他的朋友,还有一些教授和其他学生,他们各自有着独特的个性和能力,给故事增添了更多的色彩。
《ARCANE SCHOOLS》的故事情节紧凑有趣,充满了悬念和惊喜。从主人公进入魔法学校的那一刻起,故事就开始展开了。通过学习和训练,主人公逐渐发现了自己的潜力,并与朋友们一起经历了一系列的冒险和挑战。
《ARCANE SCHOOLS》作为一部畅销的魔法学校小说,影响力不可忽视。这部作品吸引了许多读者,尤其是年轻读者,他们通过阅读这部小说,感受到了魔法世界的魅力和冒险的乐趣。
同时,这部作品也引发了一系列的衍生产品和文化现象。例如,推出了相关的游戏、电视剧和电影等,进一步扩大了作品的影响力。《ARCANE SCHOOLS》成为了一个知名的品牌,并为读者带来了许多欢乐和回忆。
《ARCANE SCHOOLS》是一部以魔法学校为背景的小说,通过对魔法学校的设定、主要角色的介绍、故事情节的阐述以及作品的影响力的详细阐述,读者可以更好地了解和欣赏这部作品。它给读者带来了丰富的想象空间和阅读乐趣,不容错过。