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Crystals, stones, metals. Amethyst for peace. Quartz for power.Silver for psychism.From the earliest prehistoric times to our technological age wehave found beauty, power and mystery within stones. Just as herbspossess energies, so too do stones and metals. With their powers wecan change ourselves and our lives.Stone magic is as old as time. It began when the earliest humanssensed some force or power trapped within the stones thatsurround�ed them. Stones were probably first used as amulets-objects worn todeflect negativity or Iievil." Later they were revered as deities, offeredas sacrifices, and buried for blessings and fertility of the land. Theiruse is intimately connected with religion, ritual and magic.Stone magic has been forgotten by many millions of peopletoday. The Insrcstrial Revolution and two devastating wars destroyedthe insular village life in which the old magic was passed from genera�tion to generation.Today a new awareness ofthe magical value ofstones and metalshas swept over us. This sudden interest is unprecedented in history,and, like the growing use of herbs in magic, is another manifestationthat people are finding their micro-chip lives unsatisfying. Some�thing-magie-is missing.In my sixteen-year journey into the world of shamanism andmagic I\’ve become convinced that, at one time or another, everyaspect ofhuman existence was governed bymagic. Overthe centurieswe\’ve lost most of this wisdom, but tantalizing fragments remain.Persons with no interest in magic may think that wearing birth�stones is lucky, that pearls are said to bring a bride tears, and that thexixii / Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal MagicHope diamond is cursed. They may not know why they think suchthings, but they do.Hwe look into the past, to an age where the mystic properties ofstones and metals were unquestioned, we find answers.Stones, like colors, plants and other natural objects, are magicaltools which we can use to cause needed change. Transformation istheessence of magic, and stones help us achieve this by lending theirpowers and providing focal points for our own energies.After centuries of repressive religious structures and deadeningmaterialism, many of us are awakening to the fact that we havebecome estranged from the Earth. Executives toss brilliantly huedgems onto black velvet, studying their patternsfor hints ofthe future.Secretaries place moonstone and azurite between their brows tostrengthen psychic awareness. Students wear quartz crystal to improvetheir study habits. The old ways are once again accessible to all whodesire to use them.Stones and metals are keys which we can use to unlock ourpotential as human beings. They expand our consciousness, enhanceour lives, calm our stresses and infuse our dreams with healingenergies.Skepticssay it\’sin our minds. Magicians say yes, that\’s part ofit. It\’salso in the stones, in our ritual use of these treasures and in our connections with the Earth.Stone magic works. It is effective. That\’s all anyone needs toknow to try it out.In using stone magic we don\’t turn our backs on technology. I\’mnot about to give up electricity and the other benefits of our age.No. We use this old magic to improve our hectic lives, to give usdeeper understanding and control over them. It attunes us with thepowers which created stones, ourselves, the Earth and the universe,thereby adding the missing ingredient to our often sterile lives.When a stone lying in a dry riverbed calls you to pick itup, when ashimmering crystal seems to pull your hand, when a faceted jewelsetin a ring captures your imagination, you\’ve felt the old powers ofstones.The stones, the magic is waiting. The rest is up to you. |
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