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无限心智:人类意识频率的科学 |
英文 |
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瓦莱莉杭特 Valerie V Hunt |
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I acknowledge that I have been blessed by the brilliance andconsciousness of the many people who appeared to work with me.Emilie Conrad and Rosalyn Bruyere were the first tointrosrcce me to esoteric concepts, strange ideas and new ways ofthinking about our world and us humans—all ideas that shook mylinear, scientific mind. Wisely, they encouraged me to believe thatif I didn’t know how, I would somehow find the way toscientifically validate ancient wisdoms. I cherish the joys weshared when our research broke barriers. For these, my first andforemost teachers, my gratitude abounds.I offer much thanks to the numerous, excellent engineers,mathematicians, and physicists who assisted in my Energy FieldsLaboratory at UCLA. During the early years, they questioned myideas as revolutionary. They challenged the data as unreal. Thenthey helped design new instruments and in the end, theyenthusiastically accepted the direction of the research and thepurity of the data we obtained. I thank them also for not makingdiscoveries too easy for me.My deep gratitude goes to the Board Members of theEleanor McCulley, who were always available to make thingshappen, facilitate the impossible, and spread the word to theirextensive following.Todd Chandler of Chandler Design, an award-winninggraphic artist, had all the answers for my difficult display andjacket designs. He created this beautiful, sensitive cover thathighlights the content and flavor of my book. With only a shortdiscussion, Todd transferred my ideas into this charmingcommunication design. I thank you, Todd, for your interest andyour talent.My special thanks go to two dedicated and loving people,Carol and Joe Cavella, who handled all the technical parts of wordprocessing and book formatting of my manuscript to its presentclear, attractive form. They patiently led me through the maze ofdetails necessary for direct printing.My deep appreciation goes to my editor, Casaundra Franker,for her labor of love. Her background as editor of medical,psychological books and her own spiritual publishing house, ThePurple Iris Press, gave her the expertise to polish my words. Butshe did even more. She clarified the order and articulated factswithout changing my thinking or the general flow of my prose. Tome, her skill is a true art.I believe that no teacher can completely appreciate oradequately acknowledge the role her students have had in hergrowth and evolution. The facts that my students listenedattentively, discussed excitedly, and challenged not only theinformation but the wisdom it carried, left me always open andthinking. I thank each of you deeply for pushing me to developcomprehensive models from all new evidence in order to keepthoughts in perspective. You must know that in the classroom andconferences with you, you allowed me to reach the most creativeand satisfying times of my professional life.—Valerie V. HuntBioenergy Fields Foundation, my non-profit esrccationalorganization, for their abiding personal and professional support:Iris Schirmer, Robert Quaid, Emilie Conrad Daoud, DarrelFelkner, and Christopher Hegarty, all busy professional personswith magnificent backgrounds in contemporary and ancientthoughts about energy fields. Each read Infinite Mind. They gaveme their excited approval for a rapid publication. Then, a warmappreciation goes to my two roving angels, Peg Van Pelt andAndyanrt,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请 回复 |
摘要:《无限心智infinite mind》是由瓦莱里杭特(Valerie V Hunt)所着,本书以深入研究人类心智的无限性为主题。通过对心理学、神经科学、能量医学等领域的综合研究,作者揭示了心智的潜能以及其在身体健康和意识发展中的作用。本文将从四个方面对瓦莱里杭特及其作品进行详细阐述。
2、《无限心智infinite mind》的主要内容
《无限心智infinite mind》是瓦莱里杭特的代表作之一,本书深入探讨了心智的无限潜能以及其在身体健康和意识发展中的作用。