最后,《华人性研究》 第一卷 第二期还展望了未来,在全球化背景下如何重新审视并定位中国特色的“爱情”、“婚姻”等话题。学者们尝试预测未来发展趋势,并提出跨学科合作以及跨文化交流将成为解决当前问题并促进学科发展不可或缺元素。
Total Summary:
The first volume of the second issue of “Chinese Sex Research” delves into the cultural aspects of Chinese sexuality, covering a wide range of research topics. From perspectives on gender, social influences, historical evolution to future prospects, this journal offers a comprehensive exploration and analysis. It sheds light on the collision and integration between traditional values and modern ideologies regarding gender roles in Chinese culture. Furthermore, it examines how societal factors impact indivisrcal behaviors and group dynamics within the Chinese community. By reflecting on historical changes and complexities in China’s traditional views on desire and moral norms, researchers provide insights into adapting these age-old paradigms to contemporary society. Looking ahead, scholars offer insights into redefining concepts like love and marriage within a globalized context while emphasizing interdisciplinary collaboration as essential for addressing current challenges.
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