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Let magick set you free from the people who bring you down. Difficult people make life unbearable. Whether you’re dealing with a cruel boss, a bully or a gossip, you need freedom and peace. With the dark magick in this book you can silence, bind and curse the people that have made you unhappy.People are jealous, petty and cruel, and their mean-spirited actions are holding you back. Use magick to be untouched by the heartless.The eldest member of The Gallery of Magick, Gordon Winterfield, has a lifetime of experience dealing with troublesome people. He says, ‘You can turn the other cheek, but why should you? It is your divine right to remove people who get in the way of your true will.’ Using angels and demons, Magickal Attack gives you a fast, safe way to take control of those who try to run your life.Winterfield goes on to say, ‘If you have courage, you have the opportunity to use magick to go on the attack and silence those who would spread lies; bind those who would spread malice; crush those who would do you harm.’The magick presented here is unique. Derived from tradition and refined in the furnace of experience, these dark workings have never been made public before.Without any complicated ceremonies, Winterfield has developed a magickal system that gets your commands to the demons without any danger to yourself. You will discover:A Ritual To Wield Power that keeps you safe.Rituals to find enemies, foil plans and send torment.Magick to silence gossip and lies.A powerful binding ritual to stop an enemy from causing harm.The Master Curse, to punish without restraint.The ritual to end a relationship.The book also covers Disruption Magick, used to confuse, weaken or make others leave you undisturbed.Most importantly, the book concludes with a peace ritual, which can be used to prevent a fight from ever taking place or to bring commanding peace when you are victorious.When you gain control over those who have chosen to hurt you, you are executing an act of justice. There is great spiritual growth to be found in this dark magick, as well as the peace that you deserve.书全名叫Magickal Attack: Silence, Bind and Crush Your Enemies With The Art of Occult Warfare 名字太长标题打不全= =总之是一本关于使用魔法进行攻击的书籍,基于本书作者不买诅咒反噬的帐,谨慎实践。 |
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Gordon Winterfield |
CONTENTSThe Right to AttackWhy Magick FailsChoose Your WeaponThe Process of MagickMagickal BacklashControlling the EffectsPreparation and ProtectionA Ritual to Wield PowerThe Lesser Rituals of AttackA Ritual to Discover Your EnemiesA Ritual to Foil an EnemyA Ritual to Punish and Torment EnemiesThe Workings of SilenceA Ritual to Silence Gossip and LiesA Ritual to Bind an EnemyThe Greater Rituals of AttackThe Master CurseA Ritual to End a RelationshipA Ritual to Remove Somebody From Your LifeDisruption MagickTo Weaken the WillTo Bring About Mental ConfusionTo Create TormentTo Disrupt a RelationshipTo Regain the Upper HandTo Move Somebody Out of Your LifeThe End of WarA Ritual to Pacify an EnemyAppendix 1: Pronunciation Guide |
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摘要:本文将详细阐述《Magickal Attack: Silence, Bind and Crush Your Enemies With The Art of O…》一书。该书探讨了如何使用魔法攻击来沉默、束缚和粉碎敌人,全文分为四个部分进行详细阐述。
《Magickal Attack: Silence, Bind and Crush Your Enemies With The Art of O…》是一本探讨使用魔法攻击的书籍。作者通过传授魔法技巧和知识,教导读者如何使用魔法来对付敌人。书中包含了许多实用的方法和技巧,能够帮助读者实现沉默、束缚和粉碎敌人的目标。
总结:《Magickal Attack: Silence, Bind and Crush Your Enemies With The Art of O…》是一本教导读者如何使用魔法攻击的书籍。通过学习魔法技巧和方法,读者可以掌握沉默、束缚和粉碎敌人的能力。但在使用魔法攻击时,要注意道德和法律问题。